
  • 网络Interactive mode;Interactive Model;interactive approach
  1. 通过发送exit命令退出PHP交互模式。

    Quit PHP interactive mode by sending an exit command .

  2. 控制信息交互模式对adhoc网络性能影响分析

    Performance Analysis of the Effect of Control Message Interactive Mode on Wireless Ad Hoc Network

  3. 基于Web的数据安全交互模式研究

    The Research on Data Safety Exchange Based on Web

  4. 基于IP的虚拟教室交互模式剖析与实现

    Analysis and Implementation of Virtual Classroom Interaction Mode Based on Internet

  5. 基于UML的分布式软件体系结构中部件交互模式的复用

    Reusable component interconnection patterns for distributed software architecture based on UML

  6. 要退出交互模式,输入exit并在>>>提示符处按下Enter。

    To exit interactive mode , enter exit and press Enter at the > > > prompt .

  7. 介绍了Q语言和交互模式卡片的基本规范,以及如何利用这一规范设计和完成相关情景。

    The paper introduces the specification of Q , IPC and implementation scenario on Q and IPC .

  8. 以客户/服务器系统为例,说明基于UML的分布式软件体系结构中部件交互模式的复用技术。

    The reusable design of component interconnection patterns for distributed software architecture based on UML is addressed specifically .

  9. ESB允许端点通过总线以其本机交互模式进行交互。

    The ESB enables endpoints to interact in their native interaction modes through the bus .

  10. TomcatCometAPI专门为支持Comet交互模式而设计。

    The Tomcat Comet API is specifically designed to support the Comet interaction pattern .

  11. 除了交互模式外,另一种调用CLI界面的方法就是batch模式。

    Aside from interactive mode , the other manner for invoking the CLI interface is batch mode .

  12. Web2.0是一种以用户为中心的新型用户网络交互模式。

    Web 2.0 is a new user-centered interaction pattern .

  13. Derby数据库支持两种交互模式:网络模式和嵌入模式。

    The Derby database supports two modes of interaction : network mode and embedded mode .

  14. 一种新的IDE交互模式的理念引起了软件开发社区的关注。

    The concept of a new IDE interaction model caught the attention of the software development community .

  15. 协同虚拟地理环境中多用户交流交互模式及实现基于HLA的分布式虚拟地理环境系统框架研究

    Study on Collaborative Virtual Geographic Environment System for Multi-User Interaction and Communication Architecture of Distributed Virtual Geographic Environment Based on HLA

  16. 我们构造了新的远程教学交互模式,使现存的CAI软件稍加修改即能在当前Internet网运行。

    A compact and feasible model is established for remote instruction which makes it possible for available CAI softwares to be run on the Internet with just a little modification .

  17. 在支持多种通信协议和交互模式的同时,它为通用服务连接提供了缺省JMS消息传递引擎。

    It provides a default JMS messaging engine for common connectivity of services while supporting multiple communication protocols and interaction patterns .

  18. 而且,ESB提供了更为灵活的交互模式,超越了传统RPC样式的简单请求-响应模式,该模式通常与Web服务相关联。

    Further , ESBs provide much more flexible interaction patterns that go well beyond the simple , traditional RPC-style request-response pattern typically associated with Web services .

  19. 要查看init和destroy事件触发,输入grailsinteractive以交互模式启动Grails。

    To see both the init and destroy events fire , start up Grails in interactive mode by typing grails interactive .

  20. 甚至在这些层中此概念更推进一步,设计决策点和交互模式的架构构建块可以帮助定义该SOA解决方案。

    Even taking it a step further within the layers and architectural building blocks there are design decision points and interaction patterns that help to define thee SOA solution .

  21. 当您在启动每次解释器后以交互模式使用Python时,常常需要执行一些标准命令。

    When you use Python interactively , it is frequently handy to have some standard commands executed every time the interpreter is started .

  22. 提出了基于CORBA/Java中间件技术的地理信息网上发布的体系结构,并阐述了部件划分与服务器端各组件及客户端与服务器之间交互模式。

    Putting forward to the construction based on CORBA / Java middleware in geographic information net publishing , and introducing inter-mode between the Client and Server of distributed construction .

  23. Terrier也提供批处理模式和交互模式。

    Terrier also comes in batch and interactive modes .

  24. 这些中介操作单向消息而不是请求/响应对,因为ESB将交互模式放在中介模式上。

    These mediations operate on one-way messages rather than on request-response pairs , because the ESB overlays interaction patterns on top of mediation patterns .

  25. 另外还要注意,您可以在命令行中指定一个或多个parted命令,避免使用交互模式。

    Note also that you can specify one or more parted commands on the command line to avoid interactive mode .

  26. 现在可以对在交互模式下使用CLP时出现的提示符进行定制。

    You can now customize the prompt that appears when you use the CLP in interactive mode .

  27. 可以调用这个shell,以交互模式(在这种模式中,可以输入要计算的表达式或要执行的代码)或批处理模式运行它。

    The shell can be invoked to run in either interactive mode ( in which case you can enter expressions to be evaluated or blocks of code to be executed ) or batch mode .

  28. 在通过发出db2命令调用CLP交互模式时,得到的命令提示符会反映所进行的更改。

    When the CLP interactive mode is invoked by issuing the db2 command , the resulting command prompt reflects the changes that were made .

  29. 可通过在交互模式下运行PHP(php-a)来测试流量。

    Test the flow by running PHP in interactive mode ( php-a ) .

  30. db2pd是从命令行以一种可选的交互模式执行的。

    Db2pd is executed from the command line with an optional interactive mode .