
jiāo chā kǒu
  • intersection
  1. 基于GA的城市交叉口信号控制模糊规则优化

    Rules optimization of fuzzy controller for urban single intersection based on GA

  2. PSO算法在交叉口OD矩阵推算中的应用

    Application of PSO Algorithm in Intersection OD Matrix Estimation

  3. 基于DSP的交叉口车辆排队长度图像检测系统

    Image Detection to Vehicle Queue Length of Crossway Based on DSP

  4. 无信号交叉口当量车(PCE)的延误计算法

    Delay Calculating Methods of Passenger Car Equivalents at Unsignalized Intersections

  5. 基于线性Coons曲面模型的平面交叉口立面设计方法

    Vertical design method of intersection based on bilinear Coons surface model

  6. 双线性Coons曲面在平面交叉口竖向设计中的应用

    Application of bilinear Coons surface to design of intersection

  7. 然后,采用Logistics回归模型以信号控制交叉口人行横道为例对行人违章穿越行为影响因素选择进行建模和参数标定,分析了主要影响因素在违章穿越行为中的作用。

    Then , a choice model of pedestrian violation behavior was constructed by adopting Logistics regression model and the model parameters were calibrated . The role of the main influencing factors in pedestrian violation behavior was analyzed .

  8. 根据提出的交叉口通行能力分析方法,运用VISUALBASIC编程语言编制了应用软件,用以分析典型交叉口的通行能力情况。

    These structures the foundation for the simulation software works . According to the practical model , with the Visual Basic programming language , the application software is designed to analyze capacity of typical intersection in the urban road network .

  9. 基于PEMS技术的交叉口尾气排放特性分析

    Analysis of Emission Characteristics at Intersections Based on PEMS

  10. 结合交叉口特性,选取了基于人均延误最小的BRT被动优先方法,实验结果表明该方法具有现实可行性。

    Combined with intersection properties , select the passive priority method based on per capita minimum delay , results show that the practical feasibility .

  11. 以通过交叉口的平均车辆延误作为评价指标来衡量该控制器的控制性能,并采用Matlab编程实现了交叉口四相位的仿真系统。

    The average delay of the vehicles , which drove through the intersection , was used as a performance index in order to weigh the performance of this controller . A four-phase simulated system was designed and realized by using Matlab program .

  12. 根据机动车交通饱和度、路面宽度、交叉口间距及非机动车交通量就可确定对交通事故率的综合影响系数K。

    According to the degree of mechanical vehicle traffic saturation , the width of pavement , the distance between two intersections and the traffic volume of non - mechanical vehicle s , the combined influence coefficient K on accident rate can be estimated .

  13. 以线性Coons曲面模型为基础,研究了平面交叉口立面设计在线性Coons曲面模型上定义的基本运算和Coons曲面片的划分方法。

    This paper studied fundamental operations and dividing method of surface slices on the basis of bilinear Coons surface model for the vertical design of intersection .

  14. 但是这种方法未能考虑交叉口的初始排队长度,且Webster公式不适用于饱和度较高的情况。

    However , this approach fails to consider the initial queue length in intersection , and the Webster formula is not suitable for the high saturation degree condition .

  15. 出入口管理是对连接道(driveway)、中央分隔带及其开口、立体交叉口、小街道与主要道路的连接处的位置、间距、设计和运行的系统控制。

    Access management is the systematic control of the location , spacing , design , and operation of driveways , median openings , interchanges , and street connections to a roadway .

  16. 提出以等待延误大小为约束条件在设置快速公交(BRT)专用进口道的十字平面交叉口给予BRT车辆有条件信号优先。

    The paper outlines an intelligent concept for providing conditional priority to bus rapid transit ( BRT ) vehicles at a signalized cross-intersection with BRT exclusive approaches according to their delays .

  17. 提出了无信号交叉口在主路具有2股车流且其车头时距均服从M3分布时次要车流的平均延误模型。

    It is presented the development of a model for predicting average minor stream delay at an unsignalized intersection which major road has two lanes , each of which has stream whose headway distributions are Cowan 's M3 distributions .

  18. 验证结果显示,SIMSIO可以较好的描述交叉口的实际交通状况。

    Validation studies show that SIMSIO provides a good representation of actual conditions .

  19. 对于非饱和交叉口配时,可以运用Webster模型,对饱和交叉口的信号配时研究,还没有成熟的模型,本文将尝试建立一个适于饱和交叉口的指导配时的模型。

    As for non-saturated intersections , Webster model can be used , but there is no applicable model for saturated intersections . A model on guiding signal timing at saturated intersections is set up in the paper .

  20. 针对GPS定位技术、RFID定位技术及感应线圈的检测技术,重点研究了各种定位检测技术的工作原理及在信号交叉口BRT优先中的应用。最后本文选取了广州BRT典型信号交叉口进行仿真实验。

    Focus on the GPS positioning technology , RFID location technology and the coil detection technology , research on the operational principle and the application in the BRT priority at signal intersection . Finally , select the typical intersection of Guangzhou BRT to do simulation experiments .

  21. 然后,应用混合系统建模理论,分别构筑了交通信号控制的petri网模型、交叉口的petri网模型、道路路段交通流的连续系统模型,以及交叉口petri网模型与路段交通流模型之间的接口。

    Then , with the application of HDS modeling theory , the traffic signal control Petri net model , the road intersection Petri net model , the road segments section traffic flowed model , and the interface between road intersection Petri net model and the road section model are constructed .

  22. 本文借助快速公交运营系统(BRT),在对快速公交运营车辆的发车间隔与交叉口信号配时进行了系统性分析的基础上,提出了快速公交运营车辆发车间隔与信号配时协调性研究。

    With the BRT , based on analyzing the service frequency of BRT and the signal control of intersection , this paper puts forward the study about the harmony between the service frequency of BRT and the signal of intersection .

  23. 结果表明,只要给出期望得到的这种结构的椭圆半谱带滤波器交叉口的传递函数,便可以得到相应的设计参数;随着级数的增加其功率透射谱具有接近方波的平顶效果,适宜设计interleaver。

    The merits of the design is that if only the transfer function of desired cross port for elliptic half-band filter is determined , circuit parameters can be gained and flat-top spectral response and power transmittance closing to square wave are achieved by adding the grade of interleaver .

  24. 本研究将有助于利用诸如CORSIM的仿真模型评价信号交叉口的运行状况,并为自主开发完全适合我国国情的仿真软件提供有益的素材。

    It is believed from this study that the perspective of the study is very promising in the signalized intersection evaluation using simulation package like CORSIM .

  25. 以HCM手册推荐的信号交叉口通行能力与延误模型为基准,在对西安市小寨十字信号交叉口进行实际交通调查的基础上,运行分析了该交叉口每车道组的通行能力和服务水平。

    Based on traffic capacity and delaying models of signalized intersection recommended in HCM manual as the datum and the detail traffic research to xiao'zhai signalized intersection of xi'an city , the traffic capacity and service level of every lane group in the intersection are analysied .

  26. 流量不对称信号交叉口干线协调控制方法研究

    Methods for Arterial Coordinated Control of Signal Intersection under Dissymmetry Flow

  27. 有行人相位交叉口车辆延误计算方法对比研究

    Calculation of Vehicle Delay at Signalized Intersection with Exclusive Pedestrian Phase

  28. 渠化展宽式信号控制城市道路平面交叉口的探讨

    On Grade Crossing Control of City Road by Canalized Width Signal

  29. 信号控制交叉口信号周期时长的灰关联因素分析

    Analyzing Gray - correlated Factors of Cycle Time of Signalized Intersections

  30. 城市道路交叉口高峰小时流量的灰色预测

    Application of Grey Prediction Model in Urban Cross Peak Hour flow