
  1. 其次,根据机动车号牌字符的特点,抽取字符3种不同的特征,构造3个BP神经网络对机动车号牌字符进行识别。

    Second , according to the characteristic of characters on the plate , we selected three different characteristics , and constructed three BP nerve nets ( NN ) to identify the characters on the motor vehicle plate .

  2. 基于神经网络的机动车号牌字符识别

    Character Recognition of Vehicles ' License Plates Based on Neural Network

  3. 通过分析实验结果,表明本算法在机动车号牌识别应用中达到了理想的识别效果。

    According to the analysis based on the results of the experiments , it is demonstrated that the algorithm has a perfect identification effect .

  4. 首先,对机动车号牌图像进行大小、灰度方差、灰度均值的标准化处理。

    First , we standardized the size , variance of gray scale and mean value of gray scale of the motor vehicle plate images .

  5. 如今,机动车号牌识别作为现代智能交通重要的一部分,已成为各级交通管理部门十分关注的科研课题之一。

    As an important part of modern intelligent traffic , the recognition of vehicles'license plates has been one of scientific research subjects concerned by traffic manage department at all levels .

  6. 为不符合法定条件的机动车发放机动车登记证书、号牌、行驶证、检验合格标志的;

    Distributing motor vehicle registration certificates , plates , driving permits or conformity inspection marks to the motor vehicles which do not meet statutory conditions ;