
jī hui jūn děng
  • Equal opportunities;equality of opportunity;equal opportunity for all;a fair filed and no favor;The chances are even
机会均等[jī hui jūn děng]
  1. 他们赞同在教育方面人人机会均等的观念。

    They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education .

  2. 在我国,公平的内涵包括:第一、机会均等。

    Be in our country , fair connotation includes : The first , principle of equal opportunity for all .

  3. 他们谁也不期望受到任何特殊照顾,只希望机会均等。

    None of them is expecting any favours , just a fair crack of the whip .

  4. 哈佛大学和伯克利分校机会均等项目的一个新数据集显示,如果我们关注整体的向上流动性,那么我们就过分夸大了贫富差距的危险性。

    For all the new attention devoted to the 1 percent , a new dataset from the Equality of Opportunity Project at Harvard and Berkeley suggests that , if we care about upward mobility overall , we 're vastly exaggerating the dangers of the rich-poor gap .

  5. 13岁KatharineTuck的运动鞋显然是机会均等主义的冒犯者。

    Thirteen-year-old Katharine Tuck 's sneakers are equal opportunity offenders .

  6. 机会均等中心(CenterforEqualOpportunity)的主席罗杰·克莱格(RogerClegg)支持不分肤色的政策,他说,这一裁决虽然令人失望,但挫折只是暂时的。

    Roger Clegg , the president of the Center for Equal Opportunity , which supports colorblind policies , said the decision , though disappointing , was only a temporary setback .

  7. 其他人,比如来自机会均等中心的LindaChavez反对索托马约尔。LINDACHAVEZ:“记录非常明显。身份政治是索托马约尔法官自我界定的核心。”

    Others , like Linda Chavez from the Center for Equal Opportunity , spoke against her . LINDA CHAVEZ : " The record is clear . Identity politics is at the core of Judge Sotomayor 's self-definition . "

  8. 我国现阶段社会阶层分化与教育机会均等

    Social Strata Polarization and Equal Opportunity of Education in Present China

  9. 影响高校教育机会均等的因素分析及其对策探讨

    Factors analysis of affecting equal opportunity of higher education and measures

  10. 教育机会均等是一个历史的、动态的概念。

    Equality of educational opportunity is a historical and changing concept .

  11. 他是一个为各种族机会均等而奋斗的人。

    He is a champion of equal opportunities for all races .

  12. 菲尔普斯道奇&一位机会均等、极行动的雇主。

    Phelps Dodge is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer .

  13. 教育机会均等概念的跨文化分析

    A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Concept of Equality of Educational Opportunity

  14. 中国高等教育的成本分担与机会均等

    Cost Sharing and Opportunity Equity of Higher Education in China

  15. 美国和日本的教育助学制度以教育成本分担和教育机会均等为基本理念。

    The basic ideas of the grant-aided educational system in U.S.A.

  16. 关注流动儿童实现义务教育机会均等化

    Concerned about the floating-children to achieve equal opportunities of education

  17. 利益均等、机会均等的竞赛原则是体育竞赛的基本原则。

    The basic principle of sports competition is equal chance and interest .

  18. 投资机会均等直接涉及到对外国投资的待遇标准。

    It deals directly with treatment standard of foreign investment .

  19. 首先,对新疆的高等教育入学机会均等进行历史分析。

    First , the study analyzes equal higher education opportunities in history .

  20. 枝江市义务教育机会均等问题研究

    Research on Equal Opportunity of the Compulsory Education in Zhijiang

  21. 现在有一种男女机会均等的趋势。

    There is a trend towards equal opportunities for men and women .

  22. 社会阶层分化与高等教育机会均等

    Division of Social Classes and Equal Opportunity for Higher Education

  23. 美国城乡教育机会均等与农村教育成就项目

    Equality of Opportunity of Education and REAP in the US

  24. 广告上写着“本雇主遵循机会均等原则”。

    The advert said " we are an equal opportunities employer " .

  25. 昔日的美国努力创造机会均等的“美国梦”。

    The US worked hard to create the American dream of opportunity .

  26. 公平包括一般公平、机会均等、分配公平、结果公平四个层面的涵义。

    E. general fairness , equal opportunity , fair distribution and fair result .

  27. 高等教育学费和机会均等

    Tuition Fees and Opportunity of Equality in Higher Education

  28. 对我国教育机会均等的现状研究

    The Present Study on the Issue of Equality of Educational Opportunities in China

  29. 教育机会均等的理念和现实

    Equality of Opportunity in Education & Concept and Reality

  30. 公平性的基本涵义是人人机会均等。

    The basic implication of justice is the equal opportunity for the people .