
ɡuān shuì zì zhǔ
  • tariff autonomy
  1. 北洋政府时期的关税自主运动

    The Tariff Autonomy Movement during the Age of the Northern Government

  2. 中国关税自主和安格联事件中的日本

    Tariff Autonomy of China and Japanese in Sir Francis Arthur Aglen Incident

  3. 南京国民政府关税自主的背景分析

    The Background of the National Government 's Tariff Autonomy

  4. 历时数十年,历经艰辛,在各种力量的共同努力下,付出了沉重代价,最终在原则上收回了关税自主权。

    At last , the rights were regained in principle by China with lots of costs lost for many years .

  5. 20年代中期,中国掀起了声势浩大的改订新约和关税自主运动。

    At the middle of 1920s , China had the surge of the movement of rectification of new treaty and independent of tariff .

  6. 为了获得关税自主权,保护国内经济的发展,积极的展开了与日本的税则协定,但均以失败而告终。

    In order to obtain tariff autonomy to protect the development of domestic economic , Korea launched tariff agreement with Japan , but all ended in failure .

  7. 南京国民政府刚一建立,就设立了国定税则委员会,这与关税自主的大背景密不可分。

    The national Tariff Commission was established in Nanjing National Government during the early period , which is inextricably linked with the the recovery of tariff autonomy .

  8. 考察北洋政府时期国人关税自主意识的兴起和概述关税自主运动从开端到高潮的发展历程是本文的基本线索。

    The basic clue of this paper is to probe the rise of the concept of tariff autonomy during the age of the Northern Government and to sketch out the process of the Tariff Autonomy Movement from its beginning to its climax .

  9. 1927年南京国民政府一经成立就开始与列强进行废约谈判,至1931年九一八事变爆发取得了一定的成绩,如实现关税自主、废除领事裁判权、收回了部分租界和租借地。

    In 1927 Nanjing national government once established began with powers for waste about negotiation , to the " September 18th incident " in 1931 outbreak has obtained some achievements , such as independent and abolish tariffs realization consular jurisdiction , retracted part concession and concession .