- 名tariff autonomy

The Tariff Autonomy Movement during the Age of the Northern Government
Tariff Autonomy of China and Japanese in Sir Francis Arthur Aglen Incident
The Background of the National Government 's Tariff Autonomy
At last , the rights were regained in principle by China with lots of costs lost for many years .
At the middle of 1920s , China had the surge of the movement of rectification of new treaty and independent of tariff .
In order to obtain tariff autonomy to protect the development of domestic economic , Korea launched tariff agreement with Japan , but all ended in failure .
The national Tariff Commission was established in Nanjing National Government during the early period , which is inextricably linked with the the recovery of tariff autonomy .
The basic clue of this paper is to probe the rise of the concept of tariff autonomy during the age of the Northern Government and to sketch out the process of the Tariff Autonomy Movement from its beginning to its climax .
In 1927 Nanjing national government once established began with powers for waste about negotiation , to the " September 18th incident " in 1931 outbreak has obtained some achievements , such as independent and abolish tariffs realization consular jurisdiction , retracted part concession and concession .