
  1. 国际危机组织(internationalcrisisgroup)的朝鲜专家丹尼尔品克斯顿(danielpinkston)警告说,如果禁止朝鲜船只进入韩国领海,可能会导致朝鲜方面关闭领空,尽管朝方每年从经飞经航班中赚取数百万美元。

    The decision to ban their entry could prompt Pyongyang to block flights even thought the North earned several million dollars each year in overflight fees , warned Daniel Pinkston , a North Korea expert at the International Crisis Group .

  2. 我们要关闭领空吗?

    We 're gonna shut down the airspace .

  3. 政治分析师们表示,平壤方面可以通过向国际航班关闭领空来作为回应,因为此举将增加美国和韩国大型航空公司的燃油成本。

    Pyongyang could counter the move by closing its airspace to international flights , adding fuel costs to major US and South Korean Airlines , political analysts said .