
ɡònɡ tónɡ hǎi sǔn
  • general average
  1. 第三十三条因共同海损提起的诉讼,由船舶最先到达地、共同海损理算地或者航程终止地的人民法院管辖。

    Article 33 A lawsuit brought for general average shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the ship first docked or where the adjustment of general average was conducted or where the voyage ended .

  2. 共同海损避难港费用

    Cost allowed in general average

  3. 正如本函中所述,请代我公司签发一份共同海损证书,以使我方不必支付该批货物CIF价值13%的押金。

    As stated therein , you are requested to issue a General Average Guarantee on our behalf in order that we , as consignee , need not pay the deposit amounting to13 % of the CIF value of the cargo .

  4. 船舶空载不出租情况下的共同海损

    General Average Regarding Vessel in Ballast and not under Charter

  5. 租金不分摊共同海损分摊成本的合资经营

    Hire not to Contribute to General Average cost-sharing joint ventures

  6. 共同海损行为直接后果所造成的损失

    Loss or Damage in Direct Consequence of General Average Act

  7. 对救助款项或者共同海损分摊的请求;

    Claims for salvage payment or contribution in general average ;

  8. 共同海损的沿革及特点

    On the Historial Development and Characteristics of General Average

  9. 共同海损和仲裁:在伦敦进行,适用英国法。

    G.A.and arbitration : in London in English law .

  10. 共同海损理算所需文件和材料

    Documents and Material Required for General Average Adjustment

  11. 共同海损牺牲和分摊;

    Sacrifice in and contribution to general average ;

  12. 论共同海损与救助款项

    Relation between General Average and Salvage Payment

  13. 共同海损债务中的运费分摊

    Contribution of freight in General Average debt

  14. 租金不分摊共同海损

    Hire not to Contribute to General Average

  15. 欧洲共同海损理算师国际协会

    International Association of European General Average Adjusters

  16. 货物共同海损牺牲金额

    Amount for General Average Sacrifice of Cargo

  17. 谈《约克安特卫普规则2004》对共同海损制度之影响

    Discourse on the York - Antwerp Rules , 2004 's influence on the general average

  18. 海上保险、共同海损及船舶保赔业务所发生的争议;

    Disputes arising from marine insurance , general average or ship 's protection and indemnity ;

  19. 也就是说,针对共同海损,救助和救助费用是不扣减免赔的。

    General average , salvage and salvage charges payable in full irrespective of insured value .

  20. IT的价值共同海损债务中的运费分摊

    Top 50 CIO in China : Value of IT Contribution of freight in General Average debt

  21. 旅客的行李和私人物品,不分摊共同海损。

    Passenger 's luggage and personal belongings shall not be included in the value for contribution .

  22. 只有英国保险市场承认支付海盗赎金的合法性将其作为共同海损处理。

    Only British insurance market recognizes the legitimacy of the pirate ransom as a general average .

  23. 共同海损赔偿要求的理算

    Adjustment of claims for general average

  24. 第二百零一条对共同海损特殊牺牲和垫付的共同海损特殊费用,应当计算利息。

    Interest shall be allowed on general average sacrifice and general average expenses paid on account .

  25. 干坞费、台费和移泊费应全部认入共同海损。

    Drydock and slipway dues and costs of shifting the ship shall be allowed in full .

  26. 论共同海损的发展趋势

    Tendency in Development of General Average

  27. 单独海损及共同海损

    Particular average and general average loss

  28. 可作为共同海损的临时修理费用,不应作'以新换旧'的扣减。

    No deductions'new for old'shall be made from the cost of temporary repairs allowable as general average .

  29. 共同海损理算,适用当事人约定的理算规则。

    The adjustment of general average is governed by the rules agreed by the parties to it .

  30. 共同海损保证金收据

    General average deposit receipt