
ɡònɡ tōnɡ yǔ
  • koine;contact vernacular
  1. 论太平洋地区国际共通语的选定

    On Selection of the International Language Applicable to All in the Area of the Pacific Ocean

  2. 本文考察了历史上有关《论语》此章的各种解释,否定了“雅言”为共通语的成说。

    The present article gives a survey on the past studies of the chapter and leads to a conclusion that contradicts the accepted theory .

  3. 17世纪,洋泾浜英语作为英国人和大多数讲广东话的中国人做生意时的共通语产生了。

    In the 17th century , Chinese Pidgin English originated as a lingua franca for trade between British people and mostly Cantonese-speaking Chinese people .

  4. 西汉时期的杨雄,创建并运用“转语”的方法,研究汉语古今字词和共通语与方言字词之间词义上的共通关系。

    Yangxiong studied the common relation between ancient and present characters , common characters and dialects , by way of " Zhuanyu " method created by him .