
  • 网络common experience
  1. 共同体验的愿望,也解释了为什么超级碗仍然是一个大型电视活动,为什么ESPN变成了这个星球上最有价值的媒体之一,为什么HBO让周日晚上成为了一个电视狂欢节。

    The desire for communal experiences explains why the Super Bowl is still a mega TV event , why ESPN has grown to become one of the most valuable media properties on the planet , and why HBO has turned Sunday nights into a marquee time for television .

  2. 其次要建立一种新的语文教学模式一审美模式。其倡导的教育理念是让生命焕发出活力,让语文教学成为师生共同体验生命美丽的过程;

    Such is less importantly established one kind of fresh Chinese education pattern , one beauty appreciation pattern .

  3. 我们用公共事件中的共同体验来精确调整我们的集体身份认同,热门电影和流行歌曲也在在这些公共事件之列。

    We calibrate our collective identities according to the shared experience of public events , including hit movies and popular songs .

  4. 现在,手机已是人类共同体验(以及数据库)的一部分,这种体验遍及全球,其深度和效力每天都在提高。

    It is now part of a shared human experience and database that spans the globe , and which is growing in depth and power each day .

  5. 丹和影子共同体验着这样特殊的一段人生经历,这也使得主仆俩的感情更加深厚。

    The two are sharing in an experience that would be unique on its own , but is made more special by the bond they have together .

  6. 实际上,直到我们对共同体验过的事的基本看法有了分歧时我们才发现别人的想法和我们不同。

    In fact , this assumption continues to seem valid until we find ourselves in a basic , fundamental disagreement with someone about something we both experienced .

  7. 我深切期盼迪斯尼乐园,是一个能带给大家欢乐的园地,是一个不论老少都能共同体验生命之奇及探险之趣,并因此倍感人生美好之处。

    I think what I want Disneyland to be most of all is a happy place & a place where adults and children can experience together some of the wonders of life .

  8. 前南非总统纳尔逊·曼德拉曾独具匠心地设计了南非举国共同的体验,带领这个种族分裂的国家在1995年橄榄球世界杯(1995WorldCup)上同心协力地支持南非橄榄球队Springboks。

    Former South African President Nelson Mandela brilliantly manufactured a shared national experience when he brought a racially divided nation together to support its rugby team , the Springboks , in the 1995 World Cup .

  9. 比新的体验更让人满足的就是与别人一同分享共同的体验。

    The only thing more fulfilling than a new experience is the act of sharing that same experience with someone else .

  10. 因而传播日本信息、提供共同阅读体验的公共传媒对中国人对日认识影响巨大。

    As a result , the medium spreading the Japanese information and providing the common reading experience that mostly influences the cognition of Chinese people to Japan .

  11. 她的创作与她的人生之间存在着密切的联系,贯穿着共同的体验&对生命本身的体验。

    There existed close connection between her creation and her life , which was a kind of common experience , that is , the experience of life herself .

  12. 瑞典监狱管理部门一名官员日前表示,为使男女在押犯在监狱内平等地完成自己养育子女的职责,该部门可能会准许新生儿与自己的父亲共同“体验”铁窗生活。

    Sweden 's prison service may allow babies to live in prison with their fathers , putting men on an equal footing with women in prison parenting , a prison service official said on Thursday .

  13. 新课程理念下的教学应该是师生互动、交往的过程,是师生共同参与、体验与感悟的过程。

    Concepts of the new curriculum and teaching should be interactive , the process of interaction .

  14. 公共空间不仅是特定文化的产物,更是记载着人们共同的生命体验。

    The public space is not only a product of a specific culture , but also records the common experience of the lives of people .

  15. 韩国三国及统一新罗时期,女性作家因广泛参与社会,关注的多为人类共同的情感体验。

    In the periods of Three Kingdoms and Unified Xin Luo , the Korean women writers participated in social activities and concerned themselves with feelings and emotions in general .

  16. 词人由物及人、由己及人、由自然而社会表达出人类共通的生命情感和人类对自我生命中孤独、愁恨等共同的生命体验,蕴藏着深刻的生命情结。

    The poet expresses human beings common life complex and their life experience of loneliness and hatred in the lines from people to things , from himself to others , and from nature to society .

  17. 消费者、合作伙伴和开发人员将共同为整个用户体验提供超强动力,为android生态系统大家庭创造惊人的利益。

    Consumers , partners and developers will together supercharge the entire user experiences to create amazing benefit for the Android family of ecosystems .

  18. 所有这些都共同强调个人精神体验和有活力的崇拜仪式。

    All these share an emphasis upon personal spiritual experience and vigorous worship .

  19. 当情感体验者的思与“诗”相互沟通则形成独特的、具有人类共同感的情感体验。

    When the subject of emotion experiencing communicate his " thought " in emotion with " poem ", the unique experience of emotion as a common feeling of mankind will take form .

  20. 这不是一、二个人的个人经历,而是海外孤子的共同命运和心灵体验。他们有一个共同的特点,就是考虑问题凭自己的经验。

    This is not the experience of an isolated few , but the common fate and heartfelt feelings of people who have been living away from home . They all have one thing in common , they consider problems only in the light of their personal experience .

  21. 但是,人们目前对于连接顾客和服务组织进行共同创造的内部机理缺乏了解,服务组织也缺乏管理共同创造服务体验的经验。

    But people still , lack of understanding Co-creation connecting customers and service organizations , and service organizations lack of management experience on Co-creation .

  22. 第四,共同创造的本质特征是创新性。(2)探索了共同创造服务体验的内部运行机制。

    Fourth , the nature of Co-creation is innovation . ( 2 ) The author explores the internal operation mechanism of Co-creation service experience .