
  • 网络educational justice
  1. 而当代主流教育公正观把教育公正理解为教育制度公正,即教育制度合理分配教育利益、确定个体教育权利与义务的美德。

    Contemporary mainstream of educational justice view regard the educational justice as the educational institution 's justice .

  2. 教育公正新解

    Reinterpret the Educational Justice

  3. 转型期教育公正的现状及其对策探析

    Analysis on Education Justness Status quo and Countermeasure in the Transitional Period

  4. 教育公正:教育制度伦理的核心原则

    Education Justice : The Core Principle of Education-institution Ethics

  5. 师德建设中的教育公正

    The Education Fairness in the Construction of Teachers Morals

  6. 教育公正的伦理价值及其实现

    The Ethical Values of Education Equity and its Implementation

  7. 教育公正:实现社会公正的阶梯

    Education justice : stairs of realizing society justice

  8. 教育公正与师德建设

    Education Fairness and Construction of Teachers ' Morals

  9. 实现社会主义共同富裕的目标,教育公正是其必备的前提条件。

    It is also an essential prerequisite to achieve the goal of socialism common prosperity .

  10. 最后从教育公正的重要性方面提出了本文的制度性设想。

    Finally , institutional suggestions are brought forward taking into account the importance of education fairness .

  11. 教育公正伦理价值的实现对当今教育改革具有重要的历史意义。

    Implementing the ethical value of education equity is of great historic significance to current education reform .

  12. 转型期政府在促进教育公正中的职能定位

    The Role Orientation of the Government to Improve the Educational Impartiality during the Country 's Transitional Period

  13. 以往的研究,多把教育公正等同于一般的社会公正,忽视了教育自身的独特内涵。

    Previous study of educational justice neglected the distinctive connotation of education by equalizing educational justice with social justice .

  14. 教育公正是社会公正的基本内容,也是构建和谐社会的重要基石。

    Education equity is the basic content of social justice and an important cornerstone for building a harmonious society .

  15. 因此,教育公正是一个复杂性概念,它是整个制度化教育实施方式的伦理原则。

    So , educational justice is a complex concept . It is a ethics principle in the entire systematic education .

  16. 首先从伦理学角度详尽分析了我国当前教育公正问题的现状。

    The first , it deeply explores the present circumstance of and various reasons for educational justic from ethics ' perspective .

  17. 教育公正问题是我国高等教育大众化进程中倍受人们关注的焦点之一。

    The equality of education opportunities is one of the focuses of attention during the popularization process of higher education in China .

  18. 教育公正是社会公正的一个重要组成部分,但它具有不同于一般社会公正的本质与特征。

    Educational fair is one part of society fair , however it is different from general society fair by nature and characteristics .

  19. 教育公正的价值主体也应该是进入教育系统而成为受教育者的社会成员。

    Also , the subjects of the educational justice are those members of society , who enter the education system to become educatees .

  20. 人的尊严与尊重人的原则,构成了社会与教育公正、平等、自由、正义的基础。

    Human dignity and the principle of respect formen constitute the basis for social and educational just , equality , freedom and justice .

  21. 教育公正作为教育制度伦理的核心范畴,也必然成为教育政策价值诉求的基本点。

    The education justice , as the core content of the education institutional ethics , should be the basic value pursued by educational policy .

  22. 教育公正,是社会公正的前提和基础,随着经济的不断发展,人们对教育的需求日益增加。

    Education Justice is the prerequisite and foundation for social justice . With economic constant development , the demands for higher education of people increase constantly .

  23. 本研究认为,课堂教学实践作为教师的一种伦理实践,讨论课堂教学过程中的公平实则涉及的是教育公正问题,即教师对教育公正的了解和认识反映在了教师的教学实践上。

    We believe that the classroom teaching is a kind of ethics practice , so the fairness of classroom teaching mainly refers to educational justice in nature .

  24. 教育公正是社会公正价值在教育领域内的延伸,是实现社会公正,构建和谐社会的基础。

    Educational fairness is the extension of social fairness value in education field . It is also the basis of realizing social fairness construction and harmonious society .

  25. 教育公正具有很强的复合性,它是由教育系统内部公正与教育系统外部公正通过一定的制度形式有机地整合起来的一种伦理实在。

    Educational fair is compound , and a kind of ethic reality which is organically reunited by educational fair inside educational system and educational fair outside educational system through certain institution form .

  26. 教育公正是当代教育伦理构建的内在支撑点,是当代教育发展人本要求的价值体现,是调整社会利益关系、促进社会稳定的价值力量。

    Education equity is an internal support for the establishment of contemporary educational ethic , embodying the values of humanism education and it can adjust social benefits and promote the social stability .

  27. 教育公正是社会公正的重要内容,是社会公正在教育领域的延伸,也是达到社会公正的重要手段和途径。

    Education justice is an important content of society justice , the extension of society justice in the education realm , and also the important means and path to attain society justice .

  28. 论文从教育公正的角度提出了隐藏在学校课堂教授教养活动内部入程的机遇均等题目,阐述本研讨的理论意义和实践意义。

    Pointing of view of education fair , thesis reveals the issues of equal opportunities that hidden in the classroom teaching , and elaborates the theoretical and practical significance of the study .

  29. 三是有针对性的提出了解决教育公正缺失的原则以及对策,全面多维度地来解决教育不公正的现象,切实可行地实现教育的公正。

    Three is the proposed solutions to a specific " education justice " lack of principles and countermeasures , comprehensive multi-dimensional education injustice to solve the phenomenon , practical and feasible to realize education justice .

  30. 建设学习型社会,需要一个能确保教育公正的社会环境,需要具有终身学习能力的技术人才,需要人的全面发展,需要具有较强适应能力及较强发展潜力的人才。

    To build up a learning society , we need social circumstances that ensure equity of education as well as talents with lifelong learning ability , adapting ability and developing potential who can realize a comprehensive development .