
  • 网络Teaching and Learning;Learning and Teaching;Teaching & Learning
  1. 师与生共融教与学互动

    The Harmony between Teachers and students and the Interaction between Teaching and Learning

  2. HSK考试对新疆预科汉语教与学反拨作用的研究

    Research on the Backwash of HSK to Preparatory Chinese Teaching and Learning

  3. 借助于校园网和Internet,教师得以轻松施教,学生得以高效学习,实现了实时教学和教与学的互动。

    With the help of campus network and Internet , teaching and learning have been made easier and more efficient . Instant teaching and learning and their interaction have been realized .

  4. 互动教学法是动态的教师和学生在课堂上教与学的组合(Brown,2001)。

    Interactive teaching is a dynamic composite of energies within the teaching and studying between teacher and students in the classroom ( Brown , 2001 ) .

  5. 从2002年TEM8翻译问题看翻译课程的教与学

    Translation Teaching and Learning Seen from the TEM8 ( 2002 ) Translation Papers

  6. 网络教学中迫切需要动态的、充满交互的、能进行各种教与学活动的网络课件以及网络教学系统.文章介绍了基于ASP技术的高等数学辅助教学网络平台的功能及其实现。

    This paper presents a kind of network platform for aided teaching of higher mathematics based on ASP technology and introduces the function and implement of the system aided to higher mathematics teaching .

  7. 近年来,翻转课堂(TheFlippedClassroom)掀起了国内外教育改革的浪潮,为教与学的发展提供了新思路。

    In recent years , The Flipped Classroom set off a wave of education reform at home and abroad , providing a new idea for the development of teaching and learning .

  8. C语言的教学是教与学的同步过程,教师在讲授过程中应根据C语言程序设计课程的特点,采用对应的教学方法和策略,加强基础知识与程序设计基本技能的训练。

    The teaching of C language is a synchronization process for tutoring and learning . Teacheres should seed the features of C language programming course for tutoring process . Adopting corresponding method and strategy , it strengthens exercitation for basic knowledge and programmer 's skill .

  9. STS教育是科学教育领域中实施的以改进整个社会的科学文化为目的的一种文化策略,它将整个人类社会的科学文化环境作为进行科学和技术的教与学的背景。

    STS Education is a kind of cultural policy , which is on the purpose of improving the culture of the whole society . It makes the cultural environment of humankind society as scientific and technology teaching and learning background .

  10. 虚拟现实(VR)技术在教育领域的应用和发展丰富了现有教育体系中教与学的表现形式,它为建立以建构理论为理论基础的学习环境和学习模式起到了重要的推动作用。

    The presentation format of today 's teaching and studying has been greatly enriched by the application and development of VR technology . VR plays a very important role in the creation of study environment and study format based on the construct theory .

  11. 循证医学与儿科临床工作的教与学

    Evidence-based Medicine and the Teaching and Learning in Pediatric Clinical Medicine

  12. 新时期教与学的模式探讨

    The Discussion for Mode of Teaching and Learning in New Period

  13. 计算机专业英语的教与学技巧初探

    The Primary Research on Teaching and Studying Skills in Computer English

  14. 教与学的创新:职业教育中的工作场学习

    Innovation of Teaching and Learning : Workplace Learning of Vocational Education

  15. 形态学教学过程中教与学双方的责任

    The responsibility of the teachers and the students during teaching of morphology

  16. 现代远程教育是现代信息技术条件下产生的新型教育形式,教与学的非永久性分离是其一大特色。

    The modern distance education is the new education form .

  17. 建构性教与学模式的研究

    A Study on the Pattern of Constructive Teaching and Studying

  18. 词汇的教与学正在引起英语教育者广泛的关注。

    Recently the teaching and learning of vocabulary has aroused wide concern .

  19. 论健美操教与学的文化创新

    On cultural innovation in the teaching and learning of calisthenics

  20. 旋转推铅球教与学的要素

    On the Factors of Teaching and Learning of Revolving Pushing Shot Put

  21. 是教与学的统一,学与认知的统一,是学习知识与发展能力、发展个性的统一。

    The unity of learning the knowledge , developing ability and personality .

  22. 财经类本科院校西方经济学课程教与学改革探讨

    On the Reforms of Western Economics Course in Financial & Economics Universities

  23. 这是由现代远程教育远距离教与学的性质决定的。

    This is determined by the nature of distance teaching and studying .

  24. 从物理实验看扩招后的教与学

    On Teaching and Learning from Physical Experiment after the Enlargement of Enrollment

  25. 论体育教学中教与学的结合

    On the Combination of Teaching with Learning in Physical Education

  26. 对开放教育条件下教与学模式的思考兼谈导学群中的小组学习活动

    Consideration about Teaching and Learning on the Condition of the Open Education

  27. 教与学之间的关系是教师价值引导和学生自主建构的辫证统一;

    The teacher guides and students full construct by themselves .

  28. 高中英语词汇教与学调查研究

    A Study on English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in Senior High School

  29. 利用数学是常识的精微化指导数学教与学

    Mathematics is the Precision of Common Sense and Mathematics Teaching

  30. 在血常规教学中教与学关系的几点思考

    Thinking of the relationship between teaching and studying in blood routine education