
  • 网络Glycemic Index
  1. 血糖生成指数(GI)是反映碳水化合物餐后血糖应答水平的特征性指数。

    Glycemic index ( GI ) is an item coined to character the blood glucose response of carbohydrate .

  2. 目的探讨在糖调节受损患者中开展以血糖生成指数(GI)知识为基础的营养教育和膳食指导对患者的膳食和营养结构的影响。

    Objective To observe the effects of glycemic index ( GI ) on status of diet and nutrient intakes of patients with imparted glucose regulation ( IGR ) .

  3. 目的探讨根据糖尿病饮食原则,运用食物血糖生成指数(GI)对糖尿病病人进行饮食教育指导的方法。

    Objective To discuss how to use Glucose Resultant Index ( GI ) to guide diabetics ' diet .

  4. 目的评价食物血糖生成指数(GI)概念结合食品交换份法辅导老年糖尿病病人的临床应用效果。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical application effect of the conception of food GI combined with food exchange porting for tutoring senile diabetes .

  5. 目的评价复配式粗杂粮的营养成分及其血糖生成指数(GI),探讨其营养成分与生物功效的关系。

    Objective To evaluate the nutrients contents and the glycemic index ( GI ) of the mixed grains and analyze the relationship between the nutrients contents and biological effect .

  6. 目的:测定我国常见谷类和薯类食物血糖生成指数值(glycemicindex,GI),探讨碳水化物种类、加工方法与食物消化吸收和血糖应答的关系。

    Objective : To determine the glycemic index of common cereals and tubers products in China , and to examine the relationship among the response of blood glucose and the type of carbohydrate , food processing , and food digestion and absorption .

  7. 为了探讨脂肪、蛋白质和膳食纤维对食物血糖生成指数(GI)的影响,本研究应用葡萄糖氧化酶法和放射免疫法测定了9种混合膳食的血糖生成指数及人体的血糖、胰岛素应答。

    In order to study the effect of protein , fat and dietary fiber on glycemic index ( GI ) of mixed food , the response of blood glucose and plasma insulin to nine diets with different components of food were tested by using glucose oxidase and radioimmunoassay .

  8. 食物血糖生成指数与糖尿病饮食治疗

    Food - produced blood glucose index and diet treatment of diabetes

  9. 糖尿病患者对血糖生成指数知识的接受性

    Acceptation of glycemic index as dietary instruction for diabetic patients Knowledge Industry

  10. 富碳水化合物食品血糖生成指数的体外回归模型

    In vitro regression model of glycemic index for carbohydrate-riched foods

  11. 低糖高纤维类食物的血糖生成指数

    The glycemic index of foods contained low carbohydrate and high diet fiber

  12. 混合膳食中不同膳食成分对血糖生成指数的影响

    Effect of food composition of mixed food on glycemic index

  13. 不同碳水化合物食品血糖生成指数和胰岛素指数的评估

    Research on the glycemic index and insulin index of different carbohydrate foods

  14. 常见谷类和薯类的血糖生成指数

    The glycemic index of common cereals and tubers products

  15. 血糖生成指数、血糖负荷与人类疾病

    Glycemic index , glycemic load and human disease

  16. 食物血糖生成指数在老年糖尿病病人饮食指导中的应用

    Application of food blood glucose production index in diet instruction for senile diabetes patients

  17. 罗汉参的血糖生成指数的测定及对糖尿病模型小鼠降糖作用的研究

    Study on the Glycemic Index of Luo Han Shen and Protect Effect on Diabetic Mice

  18. 淀粉的消化特性与血糖生成指数

    Starch digestion and glycemic indexes

  19. 还可以在这些食物的搭配中再加上一些精益蛋白质;它的血糖生成指数低,能帮助你平衡碳水化合物消化过快对身体的影响。

    Add lean protein to the mix ; it has a low glycemic index and can help balance out the effects of quickly processed carbs .

  20. 目的:调查2型糖尿病患者参加营养教育情况,分析膳食血糖生成指数与血清生物化学指标的相关性。

    AIM To investigate status of nutritional knowledge and analyze the correlation of glycemic index and serum biochemical index in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus .

  21. 本文概述了食物血糖生成指数的概念、对食物评价的意义,与糖尿病的关系以及在糖尿病饮食管理中的作用。

    This article reviews glycemic index about its conception , the meaning for foods evaluation , the relationship with diabetes and its effect in the management of diabetic diet .

  22. 西瓜的血糖生成指数高——这是一个衡量食物提高血糖水平的能力的指标,这也进一步增加了人们的困惑。

    And while watermelon has a high glycemic index , a measure of a food 's ability to raise blood sugar levels , that also adds to the confusion .

  23. 血糖生成指数高的食物,如含糖饮料、蛋糕和白米,食后可以使血糖水平急速升高。

    Foods high on the glycemic index , like sugared beverages , cake and white rice , are known to send blood sugar levels up sharply after a meal .

  24. 此外,血糖生成指数表中蓝莓排名较低,这使之成为控制血糖水平的一个良好的水果选择。

    In addition to this , blueberries rank low on the glycemic index scale , making them a good fruit choice if you are trying to control your blood sugar level .