
  • 网络Magnesium;serum magnesium
  1. 血清镁离子只在B组与A组有显著差异。

    There was a significant difference in the serum magnesium ion between B group and A group .

  2. 驱铅时尿铅日排量与血清镁呈显著负相关(P0.05)。

    During the treatment , the amount of daily urinary lead was negatively correlated with the content of serum magnesium ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 利尿剂亚组红细胞镁和血清镁明显低于非利尿剂组(P0.05);

    Erythrocyte and serum Mg concentrations in the diuretic sub-group were lower than the non-diuretic subgroup ;

  4. 结果重型组较非重型组的血清镁离子浓度明显下降(P0.05)。

    Results The serum ionized magnesium in severe group was lower than that in non severe group ( P 0.05 ) .

  5. 结果HIE患儿的血清镁离子水平与对照组相比,轻度组差异无显著性(P>0.05);

    Results the serum levels of magnesium in the neonatal HIE with control group were compared .

  6. 方法:用栓线法制成大脑中动脉阻塞梗死模型(MCAO),在MCAO后6h、12h分别测定梗死侧、对侧脑皮质匀浆及血清镁、钙含量。

    Methods : The rat cerebral infarction was produced by permanent right MCAO ( middle cerebral artery occlusion ) by using a suture method .

  7. 血清镁浓度与空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)以及DM微血管并发症积分呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。

    Serum magnesium concentrations showed negative correlation with fasting plasma glucose ( FPG ), HbA1c and scores of microvascular complications of diabetes ( p < 0.05 ) .

  8. 运动员中血清镁浓度低于2mg/dL的人数占检测总人数的4.4%,而且低血清镁者多数为游泳运动员。

    Incidence of low serum magnesium ( < 2mg / dL ) was 4.4 % , and most of the cases were swimmers .

  9. 结果含镁浓度越高的ALP试剂对血清镁测定影响越大,对两种方法测定血清镁的影响程度不一样。

    Results ALP reagents with higher concentration of magnesium greatly affected the determination of serum magnesium . The effective level of two kinds of measurement methods was different .

  10. 较古老的方法需要更详细的生理方面的检测,包括测定血清镁的水平,并进一步收集尿液,测定尿钙、镁和PGE2的水平。

    The older methods require more detailed physiologic investigations , including determination of serum magnesium levels and further urine collections to assess calcium , magnesium , and PGE2 levels .

  11. 方法:对50例NIDDM患者(其中42例伴有视网膜病变、肾脏病变、周围神经病变、冠心病、高血压)和100例正常对照者做血清镁测定。

    Methods : Serum magnesium was determined in 50 patients with NIDDM ( 42 patients complicated with nephropathy , retinopathy , neuropathy , coronary heart disease and hypertension ) and in 100 normal subjects as control .

  12. 方法根据GlasgowComaScale(GCS),将38例DAI患者分为重型组和非重型组,分别测定伤后8h,2,4,6d血清镁离子浓度。

    Methods According to Glasgow Coma Scale , a total of 38 patients with DAI were divided into the severe group and the non severe group . The serum ionized magnesium were determined at 1 / 3,2,4,6 days after injury .

  13. 结论可使用不含或少含镁离子的ALP试剂、清洗试剂针、设置合理的通道和选择适当测定方法来消除或减少ALP试剂对血清镁测定的影响。

    Conclusion Using ALP reagent without or with few magnesium ions , cleaning reagent probe , setting advisable channel and selecting the suitable method of measuring magnesium may eliminate or reduce the effect of the ALP reagents on the measurement of serum magnesium .

  14. 对79例接受以顺铂(DDP)为主要化疗药物的妇科恶性肿瘤患者及其对照者进行血清镁检测和临床症状观察。

    Erum magnesium in 79 patients of gynecologic neoplasms treated with cisplatin and their controls was measured , The results showed : ( 1 ) the average value of serum magnesium in patients following chemotherapy with cisplatin was significantly lower than in the controls ;

  15. 目的建立简便、灵敏、试剂稳定性好的2-(8′-羟基喹啉-5′-磺酸-7′-偶氮)-变色酸(8Q5SAC)血清镁测定法。

    Objective To establish a simple sensitive and stable method for determination of magnesium in serum by UV spectrophotometry with 2 ( 8 ′ quinolinol 5 ′ sulfo 7 ′ azo ) chromotropic acid ( 8Q5SAC ) .

  16. 急性心肌梗死时血清镁与心律失常关系的探讨

    The relationship between arrhythmia and serum magnesium in acute myocardial infarction

  17. 血清镁检测在轮状病毒肠炎患儿中临床意义的探讨

    Clinical manifestation of the serum magnesium tested in the rotavirus enteritis

  18. 重型肝炎病人血清镁的分析与临床意义

    Clinical meaning and analysis of serum magnesium of fulminate hepatitis patients

  19. 糖尿病肾损害与血清镁离子浓度变化的关系

    The Relations between Diabetes Mellitus with Kidney Injury and Serum Magnesium

  20. 创伤性颅脑损伤后血清镁离子测定的意义

    Clinical significance of serum ionized magnesium levels following craniocerebral injury

  21. 血清镁离子的丙酮酸激酶法测定

    A New Enzymatic Determination of Magnesium Concentration in Serum by Pyruvate Kinase

  22. 方法应用丙酮酸激酶偶联乳酸脱氢酶反应测定血清镁离子。

    Methods Serum magnesium was determined by the proposed method .

  23. 不同生理和病理条件下血清镁的变化

    Variety of serum magnesium under different physidogical and pathologic condition

  24. 恶性肿瘤患者顺铂化疗对血清镁的影响

    Hypomagnesemia in patients of gynecologic neoplasms following chemotherapy with cisplatin

  25. 病毒性肝炎患者血清镁的含量及意义

    Serum magnesium level and clinical significance in patients with viral

  26. 偶氮胂Ⅲ测定血清镁

    Determination of magnesium in serum with arsenazo ⅲ reagents

  27. 镁-8-羟基喹啉-5-磺酸荧光法测定血清镁浓度

    Fluorometric Determination of Magnesium in Serum With 8-Hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic Acid

  28. 原发性高尿酸血症治疗的必要性和血清镁的变化

    Necessity to treat patients with primary hyperuricemia accompanied with variation in serum magnesium

  29. 糖尿病患者血清镁的改变及临床意义

    Change of Serum Magnesium in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Its Clinical Significance

  30. 73例急性脑梗死患者的血清镁改变

    The Changing of Serum Magnesium in 73 Patients Who Were Diagnosed Acute Ischemic Stroke