
yān huo jì
  • pyrotechnic compound
烟火剂[yān huo jì]
  1. Zr、Mg系烟火剂发光光谱特性研究

    Characteristic Emission Spectra of Zirconium Base and Magnesium Base Pyrotechnic Composites

  2. 均匀性和烟火剂的性能随各种组分粒径的减小而提高,镁粉粒度控制在(110~180)μm,使燃速控制在(3.6~6.7)mm/s范围内;

    The uniformity and performance of the pyrotechnic composition shall be improved as the particle diameter of various components decrease . The grain size of the magnesium powder is controlled at 110 ~ 180 μ m , the burning speed is in the range of 3.6 ~ 6.7mm / s ;

  3. 烟火剂中的振荡燃烧现象

    The Phenomenon of the Oscillation Burning in the Pyrotechnic Composition

  4. 红外烟火剂是红外干扰弹的重要组成部分。

    IR pyrotechnic materials are the important components of IR decoy flare .

  5. 强闪光烟火剂燃烧爆炸闪光试验研究

    Study on the Burning Exploding and Flashing Text of Intense Flash Pyrotechnics

  6. 微热量热法在烟火剂相容性测试中的应用

    Application of Microcalorimetry Method in the Compatibility Test of Pyrotechnics

  7. 含硝酸锶烟火剂的化学安定性研究

    Study on Chemical Stability of Pyrotechnic Composition with Strontium Nitrate

  8. 一种化学储氢烟火剂配方设计研究

    Study on Formula Design of a Pyrotechnics with Chemical Hydrogen Storage Materials

  9. 红外辐射烟火剂研究

    A Study on the Infrared Radiation of Pyrotechnic Compositions

  10. 闪光烟火剂强光辐射实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Radiation of Pyrotechnic Flash

  11. 干扰烟火剂性能参数数据库设计

    Design of Performance Parameter Database for Pyrotechnic Composition

  12. 烟火剂式点火器内弹道性能理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of Internal Ballistics for pyrogen-type igniters

  13. 闪光烟火剂感度变化因素的实验研究

    A study on sensitivity of pyrotechnic flash composition

  14. 红外烟火剂的设计及制作分析

    Design and Analysis of IR Pyrotechnic Technology

  15. 烟火剂燃烧温度及发光效率研究

    Research into the Conversion Efficiency from Chemical Energy to Light Energy and Deflagration Temperature of Pyrotechnic Compositions

  16. 介绍一种带烟火剂双层中心点火管的新型点火系统。

    A new ignition system where a two layered centre core ignition system having a pyrotechnic composition is given .

  17. 用固体火箭发动机中常用的瞬态平衡压强法对烟火剂式点火器内弹道性能进行了理论预示,并提出热损失系数的概念。

    Instantaneous equilibrium pressure method is used in this paper to analysis the internal ballistics of pyrogen-type igniters . A concept of igniter heat loss coefficient is also presented .

  18. 介绍了国外红外烟火剂的应用概况,对红外烟火剂的常用组分、制备工艺及影响红外辐射强度的因素进行了分析。

    The application status abroad of infrared pyrotechnic compositions was introduced in this paper . The components of infrared pyrotechnic compositions , the preparation technique and the factors affecting infrared radiant intensity were analyzed .

  19. 以3~5μm和8~14μm为特定波段,就红外辐射烟火剂的氧化剂成分、质量燃烧率和燃烧温度对辐射强度的影响开展了试验研究。

    The effect of oxidizer , mass burning rate and combustion temperature on the radiant intensity ( RI ) of infrared radiation pyrotechnics were experimentally investigated in the specific wavelength of 35m and 814m regions .

  20. 本文介绍了一种测试红外诱饵剂辐射光谱性能的新方法,该方法也适用于测定其它辐射波长范围为02~145μm,燃烧温度低于2000℃的烟火剂。

    A new test method for the radiation spectrum performance of infrared bait medicament was introduced in this paper . This method is also suitable for the pyrotechnics composition that can produce radiation in the 0.2 ~ 14.5 μ m waveband with a combustion temperature under 2000 ℃ .

  21. 非牛顿介质中图形化表面对减阻效果的影响烟火型排气剂的减阻增程效应

    Effect of Surface Patterns on Drag Reduction in Non-Newtonian Fluid

  22. 烟火型摄影剂研究

    Research on Photoflash Pyrotechnics

  23. 对国内外烟火型气体发生剂的研究及应用现状进行了综述。

    The characteristics of sodium azide gas generating compositions were briefly introduced .

  24. 烟火型气体发生剂研究进展

    Progress in Gas Generating Pyrotechnic Composition

  25. 本论文主要研究了一种对底部排气弹能实现有效增程的烟火型底排剂配方。

    This article is mainly on developing a new pyrotechnic exhaust composition , which can efficiently extend range to the base bleed .

  26. 本论文还探索了烟火型底排剂的燃烧规律,并推导出了烟火型底排剂燃速公式。

    And then , the dissertation probes into the combustion law of the pyrotechnic exhaust composition , formula of combustion rate is inferred .

  27. 原因可能是(1)强闪光烟火药中氧化剂的热分解温度和可燃物的着火点很高,难以诱发反应;

    The reasons that strong flash pyrotechnic composite has high overloading ability are ( 1 ) thermal decomposition temperature of oxidant and ignition temperature of combustible are very high in pyrotechnic composite , the pyrotechnic reaction cannot be induced by hotspots ;

  28. 用于装填上述烟火自动元件的烟火剂也应有相应的特性。

    The pyrotechnic agents used for different kinds of pyrotechnic automatic elements should have different properties .

  29. 铝粉烟火药中铝粉和高氯酸钾的测定最小自由能法烟火剂平衡产物计算

    Calculation of Pyrotechnic Composition Equilibrium Products Based on Principle of Free energy Minimization