
yān sī
  • cut tobacco;pipe tobacco;picadura;scrap
烟丝 [yān sī]
  • [cut tobacco] 烟叶加工后切成的细丝

烟丝[yān sī]
  1. 基于PLC的烟丝喂入自动控制系统的改造

    Improvement of Cut Tobacco Feeding with PLC-based Automatic Control System

  2. CO2膨胀前后烟丝中游离氨基酸的变化

    Changes of Free Amino Acids in Cut Tobacco Before and After CO_2 Expansion

  3. 房间内有烟斗烟丝的淡淡馨香。

    The room held the faint , sweet odour of pipe tobacco

  4. 国产化CO2烟丝膨胀生产线控制系统

    Homemade CO2 Cut Tobacco Expansion Production Line Control System

  5. 风送烟丝系统中烟丝称量装置的PLC控制

    Cut Tobacco Weighing Device Controlled by PLC in Pneumatic Conveying System of Cigarette Factories

  6. 不同温度对CO2膨胀烟丝致香物质及感官质量的影响研究

    Effects of Expanding Temperature on Aroma Substances and Sensory Quality of the Expanded Tobacco by Carbon Dioxide

  7. 论述了实验室烟丝处理控制系统的硬件配置和软件设计,以及恒温PID闭环控制回路的实现。

    The hardware configuration and software design of the control system and the realization of closed loop PID temperature control circuit were explained .

  8. 而且有利于废弃烟叶和烟叶下脚料的开发利用,给广大烟农和卷烟厂带来经济效益。风送烟丝系统中烟丝称量装置的PLC控制

    Thus it can bring about great benefit for tobacco growers and cigarette factories . Cut Tobacco Weighing Device Controlled by PLC in Pneumatic Conveying System of Cigarette Factories

  9. 把烟草中的有机酸衍生化后,用GCMS分别分析了烟丝干冰膨胀前后挥发性有机酸和非挥发性有机酸的含量。

    Volatile organic acids and non volatile organic acids from the dry ice expanded tobacco were determined by derivation of organic acids and GC MS analysis .

  10. 烘丝过程烟丝含水率的MFA控制

    MFA Control of Moisture Content during Cut Tobacco Drying

  11. 介绍了烟丝喂入的工作过程,对于该系统的气路系统、PLC输入和输出接线以及软件设计进行了论述。

    The working process of cut tobacco feeding , the air circuit and software ( design ) of the control system , the input and output connections of PLC were introduced .

  12. 为提高CO2膨胀烟丝在卷烟配方中的使用等级和掺兑比例,进行了CO2膨胀烟丝分类加工应用研究。

    In order to improve the role of CO2 expanded cut tobacco in cigarette blends , the classification of tobacco to be processed for CO2 expansion was tested .

  13. 介绍了在薄片烟丝生产线中基于气动元件和PLC的自动装箱计量系统的设计与实现。

    The design and implementation of the automatic boxing and weighing system on the bridge fibers of the tobacco leaf line , which is based on PLC and pneumatic components are introduced .

  14. 提高烟片加料回潮机出口含水率CPK值烟丝含水率对卷烟燃吸品质、烟气水分及粒相物挥发性成分的影响

    Influence of Moisture Content in Cut Tobacco on Smoking Quality , Particulate Volatile Components and Moisture Content in Cigarette Smoke

  15. 通过对照样品的感官质量评价,认为工艺温度的变化是改善CO2膨胀烟丝综合品质的关键点,是致香物质变化的关键点。

    Through the sensory evaluation of control samples , the results showed . that the temperature process was the key point to improve the quality and aroma substances of expanded tobacco by CO2 .

  16. 改进后CO2气体监测仪测量精度达到±0.02%,且维护简单,保证了CO2膨胀烟丝车间的生产。

    After improving , the measurement accuracy of CO_2 gas monitor reached ± 0.02 % , and its maintenance was convenient . The safety in production of CO_2 cut tobacco expanding workshop was ensured .

  17. 烘丝过程中烟丝含水率的变化具有较强的非线性、不确定性和大滞后特性,同时存在干扰和噪声,运用常规的PID算法难以达到期望的控制效果。

    The nature of the variation of cut tobacco moisture content during drying , its strong nonlinearity , uncertainty , longer time lag , accompanied with disturbance and noises , precluded the conventional PID algorithm from attaining the expected results .

  18. 介绍了实验室烟丝处理系统的工艺流程,以及OMRON公司CPM2A30CDR型PLC在该控制系统中的应用。

    The process flow of laboratorial cut tobacco treatment and the application of OMRON PLC type CPM2A-30CDR in its control system were introduced .

  19. 烟草多酚氧化酶(Polyphenoloxidase,PPO)介导的酶促棕色化反应会影响烟叶、烟丝的色泽和内在质量,因此多酚氧化酶一直是近年来烟草研究的热点。

    Browning reaction mediated by Polyphenol Oxidase ( PPO ) in tobacco can form unpleasant color , which is harmful to tobacco leaf quality . So many researches on tobacco PPO have been carried out in these years .

  20. 烟丝中添加天然植物制剂AML-1降低卷烟焦油致突变性的研究

    The effect of adding natural plant extract AML-1 to tobacco in the reduction of mutagenicity of cigarette smoke condensate

  21. 本文对CFC-11在中国烟草行业中的应用情况,国际、国内现有替代技术及发展趋势进行了简单介绍。其中,重点介绍了二氧化碳烟丝膨胀技术。

    The article described the applications of CFC-11 in China 's tobacco sector , replacing technology and developing trend of international and domestic for CFC-11 technology .

  22. 国内清华大学等也作了CO2萃取菜籽油、乙醇及甜橙皮油的实验。CO2用于烟丝膨胀技术,可提高烟丝的质量,还可节省烟丝约5~6%。

    In Our Country , Qing Hua university has made the experiments to extract rape oil , ethanol and orange peel oil by CO_2.CO_2 can be used in cut tobacco expansion , which can not only improve the quality but also save about 5 ~ 6 % of cut tobacco .

  23. IMPEX烟丝膨胀完全可以取代目前广泛采用的CFC(氟利昂)膨胀工艺,使烟丝的填充值提高90%以上。

    IMPEX technology can make the filling value of cut tobacco increase more than 90 % and replaced completely CFC expansion technology currently used .

  24. 由吸附实验还可以看出Se(Ⅳ)在烟丝上的吸附属多分子层吸附,对已达吸附平衡的烟草用稀HCl作解吸附液时Se(Ⅳ)较易解吸附。

    We also can see that the adsorption of Se ( IV ) on tobacco is polymolecular layer adsorption , Se ( IV ) which has reached the adsorption equilibrium on the tobacco surface is easy to break away adsorption when thin HC1 is existence .

  25. 为了考察维生素E酯在卷烟中的应用效果,利用香精注射机将不同梯度的维生素E酯加入卷烟烟丝中,分析主流烟气中维生素E和TSNAs的含量变化,感官评吸其添加效果。

    For investigating their application effect in cigarette , Vitamin E esters of different concentration gradients were added to cigarettes by the spice injector . Vitamin E and TSNAs in mainstream cigarette smoke were systematically analyzed , and cigarettes quality were evaluated by the sense of evaluating experts .

  26. 本文为研究卷烟主流烟气TPM中单糖及糖醇对卷烟吃味的影响,选定9个牌号不同类型的卷烟为研究对象,探讨了烟气与烟丝中糖类物质含量的关系。

    Study on the influence of monosaccharide and alditol in mainstream smoke TPM on the taste of cigarette , 9 brands of cigarettes were selected as research objects , the relationship between the sugar contents in tobacco and smoke was analyzed .

  27. 反硝化细菌在降解烟丝中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量,降低烟草特有亚硝胺(Tobacco-specificnitrosamines,TSNA)的过程中起着重要作用。

    Denitrification bacteria play a very important role in reducing the content of nitrate and nitrite , consequently , reducing the content of TSNA . Degradation of tobacco-specific nitrosamines by denitrifying bacteria was studied in this paper .

  28. 用木瓜蛋白酶水解处理4h的低次烟丝加入上述模型体系并与其反应,新形成的棕色化产物产生了比模型体系反应产物更好的加香效果。

    Moreover when the low class cut tobacco that was pretreated by papain for 4h was added to and reacted with the foregoing Maillard reaction model , it was observed that the new browning reaction product had a better sensory evaluation than the MRP GA .

  29. 随滚筒转速、热风温度和热风风门开度的增大,烟丝中的挥发性有机酸和非挥发性有机酸总量逐渐降低,TSNA含量逐渐增加;

    3 ) the volatile and non-volatile organic acids in dried cut tobacco ( decreased ) and TSNA content increased with the increase of rotative velocity of cylinder , temperature of hot air and opening of hot air valve ;

  30. 利用MFA的自适应和抗滞后功能,减小了烟丝含水率的波动幅度,降低了干头干尾的数量,提高了卷烟生产质量。

    By means of the self-adaptability and anti-lag function of MFA , the fluctuation range of moisture content of cut tobacco was decreased , the amount of over-dried cut tobacco during start and finish of drying operation were reduced , and cigarette quality was improved .