
  • 网络Smoke interference;smoke screen jamming;smoke screen interference
  1. 烟幕干扰原理及测试手段研究

    Study on the Principle of Smoke Screen Jamming and Testing Methods

  2. 宽频谱烟幕干扰材料研究

    Study on smoke screen material for interfere in broadband electromagnetic radiation

  3. 雾油烟幕干扰10.6μm激光性能研究

    Study of Fog Oil Smoke-screen in Anti-10.6 μ m Laser Performance

  4. 红外烟幕干扰效果仿真及评价方法研究

    Research on the Simulation and Evaluation of Infrared Smoke Interference Effects

  5. 宽波段烟幕干扰战斗部装药结构研究

    Research on the Charge Structure of a Wide-band Smoke Jamming Warhead

  6. 红外烟幕干扰效果的计算与模拟

    Jamming effect of smoke screen on infrared-guided anti-ship missile

  7. 红外烟幕干扰材料在弹中的相容性

    The Compatibility of IR Smoke Interfering Material in Shell

  8. 抗红外/激光双模烟幕干扰材料的研究

    Study on Anti-IR / Laser Compound Smoke Interfering Material

  9. 基于盲解卷积的红外烟幕干扰图像去噪方法

    Method for image restoration with iterative blind deconvolution under the infrared smoke interference

  10. 烟幕干扰弹是对抗光电制导导弹极其有效的对抗手段之一。

    Smoke jamming bomb is one of the efficient countermeasure to electro-optical guidance missile .

  11. 红外烟幕干扰效果评价方法

    Estimation technology of the infrared smoke interference effect

  12. 红外烟幕干扰材料的制备与性能研究

    Preparation and properties of IR aerosol material

  13. 多波段红外烟幕干扰特性测量系统的设计

    The Design of a Multi band Test Instrument for Testing Interference Effect of Infrared Smoke

  14. 基于目力观测的红外烟幕干扰效能分析

    On the disturb effect of the IR smoke grenade resist the IR imaging guided missile

  15. 红外气溶胶烟幕干扰效果的定量评估

    Effect Evaluation on Infrared Aerosol Screening Smoke

  16. 烟幕干扰激光制导导弹的有效性研究

    Study on Validity of Smoke-screen-jam for Laser-guided-missile

  17. 首次对烟幕干扰红外热成像探测的机理进行了理论和试验研究。

    The theory and experiment research on the smoke interference mechanism to the IR imaging are studied .

  18. 烟幕干扰是应用最为广泛的一种光电无源干扰方式,它通过在空中施放大量气溶胶微粒,来改变光辐射的大气传输特性,从而掩盖要保护的目标。

    It discharges lots of aerosol particles in the air in order to change the atmospheric transmissible characteristic of ray radiation and to protect the object .

  19. 实验证明,该方法效果明显,是对多频谱红外烟幕干扰弹反制最为关键的一步。

    The experiment proves that the means of this paper have good effects , and it is the critical step for the countermeasures of the multispectral infrared interference bullet .

  20. 本文主要研究红外烟幕干扰效果仿真及评价方法,分析影响干扰效果的因素,从而为红外烟幕武器的发展提供一定的理论指导和支持。

    The simulation and evaluation methods of the infrared smoke interference effects , as well as the factors that affect the interference effects , are dealt with in this paper . The work done in the paper will theoretically guide the practical development of the infrared smoke weapons .

  21. 对桥梁防护中的隐真示假、烟幕水幕干扰、激光欺骗干扰、激光致盲干扰、GPS干扰技术进行了探讨与研究。

    The jamming technologies , such as false targets , smoke and water screen jamming , laser deception , laser blinding and GPS jamming are discussed .

  22. 讨论了红外成像制导的烟幕弹干扰手段,介绍了国内外红外烟幕技术的发展状况。

    Facing the serious threaten of IR imaging guided missile , infrared imaging guided countermeasures play a more and more important role nowadays .

  23. 研究烟幕的干扰原理并介绍它的施放和测试技术,最后分析烟幕技术的发展趋势。

    The principle of smoke jamming is studied in detail , smoke dispensing and testing technologies are introduced and the development trend of smoke screen technology is given .

  24. 结果表明最大衰减均达到70%以上,说明利用可膨胀石墨发烟剂产生的烟幕来干扰毫米波是可行的。

    Test results showed that the maximum attenuation effect can exceed 70 % , and the expansible graphite was proved to be a possible countermeasure to millimeter wave .

  25. 几种燃烧型有机类干扰烟幕的红外干扰性能比较

    Compare the Interference Performance of Several Burnable Organic Smoke Screens to IR

  26. 利用烟幕箱测试分析了纳米碳纤维作为烟幕干扰材料的红外消光性能。

    The infrared extinction performance of carbon nanofibers used as smoke interference materials was studied within a smoke chamber .