
yān jiǔ shuì
  • Tobacco and alcohol tax;wine and tobacco tax
烟酒税[yān jiǔ shuì]
  1. 借贷度日的北京政府,在关税、盐税抵押殆尽后,目光转向税收新晋&烟酒税。

    Living on borrowing , the Peking Government turned its glare to the new tax-Alcohol and tobacco tax .

  2. 烟酒税,彩票税:对一些不必要且非奢移品的项目所征收的税,例如香烟和酒类。

    A tax on certain items , such as cigarettes and alcohol , that are regarded as neither necessities nor luxuries .

  3. 该调查未考虑房地产价格或收入所得税,但却将销售税和烟酒税纳入考量。

    The survey doesn 't take into account the price of real estate or income taxes , but it does factor in consumption taxes such as sales tax and levies on alcohol and tobacco .

  4. 前项货物如系应征货物税或烟酒税之货物,其销售额应加计货物税额或烟酒税额在内。

    If the goods referred to in the preceding paragraph are subject to commodity tax or tobacco and alcohol tax , the sales amount shall include the amount of commodity tax or tobacco and alcohol tax .

  5. 他建议增加石油进口税与提高烟酒货物税。

    He has suggested imposing an oil import fee and raising excise taxes on liquor and cigarette .

  6. 两个半世纪以来,大多数国家都对烟酒征收某种税。

    Two and a half centuries on , most countries impose some sort of tax on alcohol and tobacco .