
yān bō
  • mist-covered waters;mist and ripples
烟波 [yān bō]
  • [mist-covered waters] 烟雾笼罩的水面

  • 烟波浩渺的洞庭湖

  • 烟波江上使人愁。--唐. 崔颢《黄鹤楼》

烟波[yān bō]
  1. 太湖之上,烟波浩淼。

    On the Taihu Lake , mists and waves stretch far into the distance .

  2. 他停了一下,朝烟波迷茫、水天一色的湖面瞧去。

    He stopped to glance over the misty lake where water joined the sky .

  3. 烟波涛般滚滚向前越过原野。

    The smoke billowed over the field .

  4. 大卫和露西坐在渔船船头,凝望着烟波浩淼的水面。

    David and Lucy sat in the prow of the fishing boat and looked across the choppy water .

  5. 头顶上是一片碧空,群星熠熠,太平洋烟波淼茫,浩瀚无垠。

    Above was the blue sky , and the stars , and all about the desert of the Pacific Ocean .

  6. 山海关位于华北与东北的交界处,北倚群峦叠翠的燕山,南襟烟波浩淼的渤海。

    Shanhaiguan is located at the junction of North and Northeast , Beiyi Emerald Group Yanshan mountain ranges , South lapel vastness of the Bohai Sea .

  7. 这是北京一个炎热的早晨。在颐和园这个皇家故居与园林中,游人们已经挤满了拱廊,另一些人则在烟波鳞鳞的昆明湖上泛舟。

    It is a steamy morning at Beijing 's imperial Summer Palace , a sprawling complex of ancient royal residences and gardens . Already visitors are teeming through its archways and paddling boats on its misty lake .

  8. 就好象年复一年的寒冬已经让我畏惧,我渴望着温润的江南,而陪我一起坐在烟波浩淼中央的人,永远都不会是你。

    Just like , years of cold winter had made me afraid , I long for the warm and wet Jiangnan , and the woman sitting with me together in the drizzly fog , will never be you .

  9. 肖恩·费勒是奥黛丽·赫本与梅尔·费勒的独子,他在奥黛丽·赫本儿童基金会的办公室里接受了采访。奥黛丽·赫本儿童基金会坐落于圣塔莫尼卡市一座庄严肃穆的建筑中,一英里外就是烟波浩淼的太平洋。

    Sean Ferrer , the only son of Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer , was interviewed at the offices of the Audrey Hepburn Children 's Fund in a venerable building a mile from the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica .