
  1. 半坐卧位在预防PICC导管异位中的作用

    Application of semi-sitting and lying position for the prevention of PICC catheter heterotopic

  2. 我们的大脑逐渐习惯于将坐卧的姿势和放松的感觉联系在一起。乔治敦医学院精神病学临床副教授W.RobertNay如是说。

    Over time , our brains become conditioned to associate sitting and lying down with feeling relaxed , says W. Robert Nay , PhD , a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Georgetown Medical School .

  3. 半坐卧位30min和300min的放射计数分别是110±44cpm和217±61cpm(P<005)。

    For the semirecumbent position , radioactivity was 110 ± 44 cpm at 30 min and 217 ± 61 cpm at 300 min ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 结果病人在仰卧位和半坐卧位护理时,支气管内分泌物5h的总放射计数均数分别是4169±1957cpm和972±211cpm(P<005);

    Results : Mean radioactive counts in endobronchial secretions in samples obtained when patients were in the supine position were higher than those in the semirecumbent position ( 4169 ± 1957 cpm and 972 ± 211 cpm ; P < 0.05 );

  5. 你可能从来没有坐在懒人沙发上发飙过,这是有原因的。“我们的大脑逐渐习惯于将坐卧的姿势和放松的感觉联系在一起。”乔治敦医学院精神病学临床副教授W.RobertNay如是说。

    There 's a reason you 've probably never gotten into a screaming match from a beanbag chair . " Over time , our brains become conditioned to associate sitting and lying down with feeling relaxed , " says W. Robert Nay , PhD , a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Georgetown Medical School .

  6. 意识障碍患者半坐卧位置胃管效果探讨

    Fowler Position for Inserting Gastric Tube for Patients with Impaired Consciousness

  7. 是一间相当大的卧室兼小起居室,有一张坐卧两用沙发。

    It 's a fairly large bed-sitting-room with a divan .

  8. 半坐卧位预防呼吸机相关性肺炎的临床实验研究

    Study of the semirecumbent position prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia

  9. 坐卧类家具设计尺度研究

    A Research on the Design Measure of Furniture with Sitting and Lying Style

  10. 长途客车有空调和坐卧两用的座位。

    The coach has air conditioning and reclining seats .

  11. 支撑弗洛氏位(半坐卧位)改善心排血量和通气作用,促进大小便排泄。

    The supported Fowler position improves cardiac output and ventilation and facilitates urinary and bowel elimination .

  12. 半坐卧位对良性前列腺增生患者压力-流率测定的影响

    The influence of the semi-reclining position on the pressure-flow studies in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia

  13. 伯莎坐卧在床,靠在一大堆枕垫上。

    Bertha was sitting up in bed , with a mass of cushions and pillows behind her .

  14. 寻找一把带有储藏箱的软垫椅子,或者能当成沙发的坐卧两用床。

    Look for an ottoman with built-in storage or a daybed that can work as a couch .

  15. 但是,坐卧类家具在功能尺度设计上仍存在许多缺陷。

    However , the measure design of furniture with sitting and lying style has a lot of shortcomings .

  16. 体压分布测量系统是测试病人坐卧时,人体与接触面之间压力的可视化工具。

    Pressure Mapping System is a visual tool for measuring interface pressures that occur between patients and their contact surfaces .

  17. 这把扶手椅也可当卧铺用。半坐卧位或高坐卧位,坐于床缘,或坐椅,两肘置于膝盖。

    Semi-Fowler 's or high Fowler 's , sitting on side of bed , or in chair with elbows resting on knees .

  18. 我有两张深蓝色的豪华座椅可以随意坐卧,还有一扇门帘隔绝拉门外走廊上人来人往的喧扰。

    I had two dark-blue plush chairs to lounge on and a curtain to shut the bustle of corridor traffic outside my sliding door .

  19. 醒脑静治疗脑卒中患者意识障碍的临床观察意识障碍患者半坐卧位置胃管效果探讨

    The effect of Xing nao jing injection on treatment of the unconsciousness of stroke Fowler Position for Inserting Gastric Tube for Patients with Impaired Consciousness

  20. 无论是吃喝还是行走坐卧,都应该让长者先,幼者跟随在后。

    Whether I am drinking , eating , walking , or sitting , I will let the elders go first ; the younger ones should follow .

  21. 可为已学会坐卧与爬行的婴儿挑选颜色鲜艳、有声响的布制玩具,以刺激其视觉与听觉的发展。

    For children that can sit and crawl , select toys made of cloth , are brightly colored , and can produce sound to provide visual and auditory stimulation .

  22. 在分期拔除T形管后有90%的病人改善了通气,解除了喉狭窄。支撑弗洛氏位(半坐卧位)改善心排血量和通气作用,促进大小便排泄。

    We have obtained 90 per cent ( 38 / 42 ) improvement as regards airway establishment after removing T-tube by stages . The supported Fowler position improves cardiac output and ventilation and facilitates urinary and bowel elimination .

  23. 支撑弗洛氏位(半坐卧位)改善心排血量和通气作用,促进大小便排泄。该牵引器利用气压原理进行腰椎牵引,用于仰卧位牵引和站立位或端坐位牵引。

    The supported Fowler position improves cardiac output and ventilation and facilitates urinary and bowel elimination . This tractor utilizes the mechanism of air pressure to pull the lumbar at the position of lying , standing and sitting straightly .

  24. 因为我们要减少这些关节的压力,我们必须教给人们怎样正确的坐卧,行走,头部怎样保持直立。

    Because we have to reduce the pressure of those joints , and we do that by teaching people how to sit right , and to walk right , and to keep the head basically on top of the shoulders .

  25. 她拥有一双圆圆的大眼睛,她的皮毛总是那么光滑柔顺。无论坐卧站立,她就象女皇一样,有时候让人感到我们是她的仆人,她才是主人。

    Her coat was always shiny and smooth to the touch , her eyes large and round , and when she sits and sleeps she always looked like a queen-sometimes we feel we were the servants and she was the master .

  26. 结果1、2级前房积血患者交替左、右侧卧位比半坐卧位的积血吸收时间短,而且患者感到舒适,并发症发生率无差异。

    The results showed that the absorption time of 1 or 2 grade hyphema in the group of alternatively right and left position with more comfortable was shorter than that of semireclining position . The incidence of complications in two groups had no different .