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shàng xiāng
  • Perfumed;go to a temple to pray
上香[shàng xiāng]
  1. 夏尔马先生点上香,念起梵文咒语。

    Mr Sharma lit incense and chanted Sanskrit mantras .

  2. 我去了一些庙里上香祈福。

    I visited lots of temples , burned incense , and prayed for happiness .

  3. 看到父母吃上香喷喷的米饭,子路忘记了疲劳,邻居们都夸他是个孝顺的孩子。

    See their parents eat tasty rice , Lu fatigue forgotten , neighbors he is a filial child .

  4. 临近端午节,做父母的还要给孩子们戴上香布囊。

    On Dragon Boat Festival , parents also need to dress their children up with a perfume pouch .

  5. 照片说明:用传统的民族礼议供上香火烧上纸钱为敬尉祖先的灵魂。

    They burn incense and joss paper with traditional national etiquette to offer sacrifices to the soul of ancestors .

  6. 上香许愿:一名游客在北京春节期间的地坛庙会上烧香祈福。

    NEW YEAR WISHES : A tourist burned incense at the Ditan Temple Fair during Chinese New Year celebrations in Beijing .

  7. 吊唁的客人要给死者上香鞠躬,以示对死者家庭的尊重。

    Funeral guests are required to light incense for the deceased and to bow as a sign of respell to the family .

  8. 事实上他们上香,不过是求心安,只可惜所拜的不是真神。

    In fact , why they burn joss sticks is only to feel at ease , except that it 's not real deity .

  9. 首先是煮面条,然后是咖喱酱和鸡肉,再撒上香脆面,最后是作料。

    First , the boiled noodles , then the curry sauce and chicken , top with the fried noodles , and finally , the condiments .

  10. 在天堂网(Waheaven.com),用户可以为逝去的亲友创建网上纪念馆,点烛、上香、送花。

    At Waheaven.com , for example , users can build elaborate web shrines decked out with flickering bytes of candles , images of bouquets and pots of incense .

  11. 不忠,不孝,损人利己,不洗手就在祖宗牌位前上香之类。

    Bad deeds consisted of being disloyal , unfilial , gaining advantage at the expense of others or burning incense in front of the ancestral tablets without first washing your hands .

  12. 同时熄火再煮锅超强的保温功能,让你和家人无论何时回家,都可以吃上香喷喷、热腾腾的营养美味。

    At the same time , the strong heat preservation function of the flameout reboiler makes it easy for you and your family to have fresh and hot food anytime you back home .

  13. 房子也装饰上了祝福吉祥做春联,于是人们在家或庙宇焚上香叩拜先人或祈求诸神保佑家人来年身体健康。

    Houses are festooned with paper scrolls bearing auspicious antithetical couplet and in many homes , people burn incense at home and in the temples to pay respects to ancestors and ask the gods for good health in the coming months .

  14. 亚伦照著摩西所说的拿来、跑到会中、不料、瘟疫在百姓中已经发作了.他就加上香、为百姓赎罪。

    And Aaron took as Moses commanded , and ran into the midst of the congregation ; and , behold , the plague was begun among the people : and he put on incense , and made an atonement for the people .

  15. 摩西对亚伦说:“拿你的香炉,把坛上的火盛在其中,又加上香,快快带到会众那里,为他们赎罪,因为有忿怒从耶和华那里出来,瘟疫已经发作了.”

    Then Moses said to Aaron , " take your censer and put incense in it , along with fire from the altar , and hurry to the assembly to make atonement for them . Wrath has come out from the LORD ; the plague has started . "