
  • 网络The Elder Scrolls;elder scroll;Skyrim
  1. 这个说法广泛流行主要是因为热门单机游戏《上古卷轴5:天际》中那句被卫兵们反复说的一句话:“我以前和你一样也是个冒险家,直到我的膝盖中了一箭。”

    The term was popularized in today 's culture by Skyrim with the famous phrase " I used to be an adventurer like you , but then I took an arrow to the knee . " iterated by guards that pop up in the game .

  2. 据上古卷轴说,寻水兽现身必有不祥之事发生。

    According to the old books , the appearance of the Questing Beast is supposed to foreshadow a time of great upheaval .