
  • 网络Global Race;Racing
  1. BREW手机赛车游戏若干技术难点及实现

    Some difficulties in BREW racing game

  2. 如果你是一名赛车游戏爱好者,甚至仅仅就是喜欢名车,你必会钟爱于GT赛车这款伟大的系列游戏。

    If you are a fan of racing games or even just cars in general , you will appreciate that Gran Turismo is a great series .

  3. 一款十分好玩的赛车游戏,和对手在山脊上进行激烈的飙车。

    In the beginning of the90s debuted Ridge Racer as an Arcade play .

  4. 现在就请尝试这激情与颤抖的赛车游戏。

    Experience the thrill and excitement right now .

  5. 演示中,这款手机能够定位餐馆、玩赛车游戏,还可以订购唇膏。

    The device was shown locating a restaurant , playing a racing game and ordering lipstick .

  6. 但其俏皮的外观下,它有一个真正的赛车游戏抽心。

    But underneath its playful exterior , it has the pumping heart of a true racing game .

  7. 为提高赛车游戏的速度感,请使用高视野范围。

    To increase the sense of speed in a racing game , use a high Field of View .

  8. 去年的圣诞节,一大早我和妹妹就起来了。我得到了一个赛车游戏。

    Last Christmas morning me and my sister got out of bed and I got a race car game .

  9. 对于一个赛车游戏,你可能更希望让相机跟随玩家的车辆。

    For a racing game , you 'd likely want to have the Camera follow your player 's vehicle .

  10. 不幸的是。在罗利家我唯一能玩的就是赛车游戏之类的。

    Unfortunately , the only games I can play at Rowley 's are car-racing games and stuff like that .

  11. 赛车游戏不仅是为了爱车的男人而诞生,更是为了执着和充满挑战欲望的男人而诞生。

    Car racing game not only to men born , it is challenging to the dedication and desire of men born .

  12. (汽车引擎声)摄影机知道你拿纸的方向,就可以玩赛车游戏。

    ( Car engine ) Here , the camera is actually understanding how you 're holding the paper and playing a car-racing game .

  13. 在第一个赛车游戏中,作者首创了使用标准弯曲赛道组合成游戏中赛道弯曲的思想;

    In the first racing game , Author is the first one whom uses some standard curved roads to compose the curved road in game ;

  14. 游戏中的物像:一度令自己着迷的赛车游戏,飞机游戏,各种各样游戏等等。

    Game objects such as : a time to make their own fascination with racing games , airplane games , various games and so on .

  15. 我们对即时战略游戏投入了很多关注,我们也做过一款赛车游戏和几款动作游戏。

    We have been really focused on strategic games . We 've done a racing game . We 've done a couple of sort of light action games .

  16. 在赛车游戏中,我并不需要和突如其来的模糊细节做斗争。

    I gunned the engine on the racing game , Blur , and didn 't have to contend with much in the way of * well * unintended blur .

  17. 科学家们试图通过人们在赛车游戏里的表现检验功能饮料是否有其所声称的效果――如果根本没喝,情况是怎样?

    Well , a pair of scientists wanted to see if the energy drink 's alleged qualities would influence people 's performance in a racecar video game & without sipping Red Bull .

  18. 《疯狂飙车》是一款由国人完全自主开发的大型体感式赛车游戏,本次小编就这两款赛车游戏做一个对比。

    " Crazy drag racing " is a completely self-developed by the people a sense of a large body style racing game , this small series of these two racing games do a comparison .

  19. 一家电脑游戏公司允诺为英国所有的驾车者承担超速罚金,以此为一种新的赛车游戏进行广告宣传,英国政府认为该公司此举既不负责任又危险。

    A computer game cmpany 's offer to pay the speeding fines of all British drivers as part of an advertising promotion for a new motor racing game has been branded irresponsible and dangerous by the government .

  20. Ovi全地图赛车赛车游戏爱好者提供了一个完全独特的游戏体验相结合的地图导航和比赛。

    Ovi Maps Racing gives racing game enthusiasts a totally unique gaming experience combining map navigation and racing .

  21. 《无敌破坏王》续集宣布,加朵将为Shank配音。而Shank是在名为《屠戮赛车》线上游戏中的一个“性格坚韧并且很具赛车天赋的女性角色。“

    The Wreck-It Ralph sequel has announced that Gadot has joined the cast to play Shank , " a tough and talented driver in an intense and gritty online racing game called Slaughter Race . "

  22. 棒棒赛车总谐波失真是一种乐趣,动感十足的赛车游戏,有凉爽的视觉效果和抽水了跑车。

    Bang Bang Racing THD is a fun , action-packed racing game that has cool visuals and pumped-up sports cars .