
  • 网络Time Crisis
  1. 那种认为危机已经结束的情绪,本身就有助于化解危机。

    The sentiment that the crisis is over itself helps to defuse the crisis .

  2. 由于图书馆组织异质性的存在,图书馆的科层化必然引发图书馆管理的危机,必须进行知识管理改造以化解危机。

    The bureaucracy of the library must carry on the reformation of the knowledge management to dissolve the crisis .

  3. 各国纷纷以此为鉴,改革本国的金融监管体系,以期更好地防范和化解危机。

    As a result , many countries began to reform their financial regulatory systems to better prevent and resolve crises .

  4. 中国和欧盟都主张通过外交手段化解危机,是维护世界和平的两大力量。

    As two major forces working for world peace , both China and the EU stand for defusing crises with diplomacy .

  5. 不过试图通过绕过法律(哪怕是一部糟糕的法律)的方式来化解危机,也不是一种可持续的做法。

    But trying to solve a crisis by getting round a law , even a bad law , is not sustainable either .

  6. 在世界金融危机大环境下,为化解危机,国务院公布了高达4万亿元人民币的救经济投资措施。

    Under the world financial crisis circumstances , the State Council issued an economic bailout of 4 trillion yuan to end the crisis .

  7. 新兴市场国家担心,全球经济增长正迅速放缓,而如果欧元区未能化解危机,全球经济可能会遭遇进一步冲击。

    Emerging nations fear the global economy is slowing fast , with a risk of further shocks if the eurozone fails to resolve its crisis .

  8. 然而,在企业遭遇风险之前,财务状况会逐渐恶化。因此,建立财务安全预警系统,能及早诊断出危机信号,可及时有效地防范和化解危机。

    So it is essential to set up a early-warning system for the finance safety so as to prevent and resolve the finance risks effectively .

  9. 这对于企业防范风险、化解危机,安全及时收汇具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。

    It has important theoretical significance and practical value to prevent risks for the enterprise , to defuse the crisis , to receipt proceeds safely and timely .

  10. 正确处理突发公共危机报道有赖于对“社会”一词的新认识,即社会本身蕴涵着化解危机的巨大能量。

    To handle sudden public crisis reporting correctly gives the word " society " a new understanding that society itself has a huge power to defuse crisis .

  11. 实际上,经济体制、经济发展方式上一些长期得不到解决的问题,制约了我们抵御风险、化解危机的能力。

    As a matter of fact , some unsolved problems concerns with economic system and economic development mode has restricted the ability of resisting risk and resolving crisis .

  12. 你的守护星木星在十月中之前都将退行,所以你不能再依赖曾经的好运来化解危机。

    Jupiter , your guardian planet , will be retrograde until mid-October , so you won 't be able to rely on luck to get out of tight situations .

  13. 我们必须从中认真吸取教训,正确处理储蓄与消费的关系,金融创新与金融监管的关系,虚拟经济与实体经济的关系,从根本上找到化解危机之策。

    In other words , we must strike a balance between savings and consumption , between financial innovation and regulation , and between the financial sector and real economy .

  14. 自从亚洲金融危机以后,东亚各国纷纷认识到开展区域金融合作的必要性,以增强抵御风险,化解危机的能力。

    Ever since Asian financial crisis , East Asian countries have recognized the need for regional financial cooperation to strengthen the ability to withstand risks and to defuse the crisis .

  15. 危机爆发后,在有关各方的共同努力下,澳柯玛公司成功化解危机,并进行了重组,实现了控制权的转移。

    AUCMA company succeeded in defusing the crisis , carrying out reorganization , and achieving transfer of control by the joint effort of related parties after outbreak of the crisis .

  16. 但可能的话,西方必须为美国、欧盟、俄罗斯和乌克兰之间通过谈判化解危机留出机会。

    But the west must leave open the opportunity , if possible , for talks between the US , EU , Russia and Ukraine that try to resolve the current crisis .

  17. 然而一旦事故发生,就要有完善的危机管理机制,只有这样,才能及时化解危机,将事故造成的损失降到最低程度。

    However , once the accident happens , there must be perfect crisis management mechanism . Only in this way can we promptly resolve crises and minimize the losses caused by accident degree .

  18. 最后笔者站在企业的角度,从媒介、网络受众、网络舆情的不同传播阶段三个方面,探索企业引导舆情、化解危机的途径。

    Finally , in the opinion of corporate , from the three aspects of media , network , corporate , we explore the ways to guide network public opinion and defuse the crisis .

  19. 研究结论:本文所建立的模型是可行和实用的,适用行业广泛,在预防和化解危机,提高企业危机预警管理水平方面发挥了一定作用。

    Study Conclusion : The established model in this paper are feasible and practical , applicable industry-wide in preventing and resolving crises , play a role in improving enterprise management level of crisis early warning .

  20. 危机无处不在,危机无时不存,树立强烈的危机意识,夯实化解危机的本领,建立快速反应机制,是企业基业长青的根本保证。

    Crisis everywhere , all times keep the crisis , foster a strong sense of crisis , strengthening the ability to defuse the crisis , a rapid response mechanism is the fundamental guarantee for enterprise Everlasting .

  21. 赖斯说,莫斯科必须遵守其停止军事行动的承诺。赖斯欢迎法国主导的俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚冲突斡旋努力所取得的明显进展。不过她说,化解危机所要采取的进一步行动,取决于交战双方信守各自公开表达的有意停止敌对状态的承诺。

    Rice is welcoming the apparent progress in the French-led mediation effort with Russia and Georgia but says further steps to defuse the crisis depend on the warring parties making good on their stated intention to cease hostilities .

  22. 化解危机的路径是:开展忠诚度教育、合理配置人力资源,着力构建具有战斗力的企业文化,以化解道德危机;

    The solution to the crises can be summed up as follows : firstly , to solve the moral crisis by promoting the loyalty education , allocating the human resources properly and constructing a culture of great combat effectiveness ;

  23. 在全球经济危机影响深远的形势下,通过加强产学研合作,发展新技术,已成为美国及包括中国在内的更多国家的化解危机战略。

    At the far-reaching impact the global economic crisis situation , by strengthening University-Industry cooperation , the development of new technology , has become the United States and more , including China , the country strategy to defuse the crisis .

  24. 在客户危机事件处理中,有些房地产开发企业善于处理危机,利用危机事件有效进行企业宣传;有些企业因为经验缺乏、准备不充分等原因未能化解危机,严重影响到公司的信誉和经营。

    Some companies are good at dealing with the customer crisis , they use the crisis effectively as a chance for corporate propaganda . However , due to lacking of experiences or preparedness , some can not handle the crisis well and cause negative effects .

  25. 当一个又一个欧洲国家发现自己无法再通过债券市场融资之后,它们愈发希望发展中世界能够出手相助,通过购买欧洲投资者和官方机构不愿、或无力购买的债券来化解危机。

    As one European country after another finds its access to bond markets blocked , hopes are rising that the developing world might step in and relieve the crisis by buying the bonds that European investors and official entities are unwilling or unable to buy .

  26. 当今社会人类正面临着能源短缺和环境恶化的巨大危机,为了化解危机人类不断探索开发利用绿色可再生能源的新理论和新方法。

    In the current society human is facing the great crisis of the energy shortage and the environmental deterioration , so human has to explore continuously the new theories and methods of the development and utilization of the green and renewable energy so as to dissolve the crisis .

  27. 中国煤炭企业化解金融危机对策的研究

    A study on Chinese coal mines ' measures to counter financial crisis

  28. 化解诚信危机重在制度重建

    The Removing of Credit Crisis Based on System Reconstruction

  29. 化解金融危机下企业财务风险的路径

    Solutions to Financial Risks of Enterprises in China under the Global Financial Crisis

  30. 如果我们想化解这个危机。

    If we expect to navigate through this crisis .