
  • 网络shanghai baby
  1. 异化的都市夏娃&《上海宝贝》人物分析

    Alienated Metropolitan Eve & The Character Analysis of Shanghai Baby

  2. 卫慧?上海宝贝的作者?

    Weihui ? The writer of Shanghai Baby ?

  3. 而其作品《上海宝贝》则反映了90年代都市文学中多元的现代性。

    And Shanghai honey reflected the modern pluralistic of 1990s .

  4. 《上海宝贝》的文化背景探讨

    The Discussion of the Culture Background of " Baby in Shanghai "

  5. 前现代、现代与后现代社会场合之交集&对《上海宝贝》面世风靡的一种文学社会学考察

    Intersection of Pre-modern , Modern and Postmodern Social Occasions

  6. 《上海宝贝》的海德格尔诗学阐释

    An poetic interpretation of ShangHai Baby

  7. 《上海宝贝》是一个一经问世就被幸运地卷入争议漩涡的文本。

    Shanghai Baby is a book that is luckily arisen extensive dispute soon after its publication .

  8. 《上海宝贝》汇两者于一炉,恰有这一路的好看。

    Shanghai Baby puts them both in the same melting pot and the result is a good read .

  9. 海德格尔与中国当代文论《上海宝贝》的海德格尔诗学阐释

    Reflections on The Relationship Between Western Contemporary Literary Theories and Chinese Literary Theory An poetic interpretation of ShangHai Baby

  10. 第一次听到卫慧是当上海宝贝上市而在中国造成了巨大的争论。

    The first time I heard of Wei Hui was when Shanghai Baby hit the market and caused tremendous controversy in China .

  11. 贵族式的张扬与沉落&《上海宝贝》与《莎菲女士的日记》比较

    The publicizing and falling of the noble type & The comparison of [ WTBX ] Treasure in Shanghai and Diary of lady Sha Philippine

  12. 从觉醒到迷失的叙事&《莎菲女士的日记》与《上海宝贝》里女性形象比较分析

    The Narration from Disillusionment to Illusion & The Comparative Study on the Female Images of The Lady Sha Fei 's Diary and The Shang Hai Dotey by the Point View of Feminism

  13. 卫慧的《上海宝贝》、棉棉的《糖》、九丹的《乌鸦》不是“身体写作”,而应是“身心写作”。

    The article points out that Weihui ′ s Shanghai Darling , Mianmian ′ s Sugar and Jiudan ′ s Crow is a body and mind writing , not just a body writing .

  14. 文章针对丁玲女士的《莎菲女士的日记》与卫慧的《上海宝贝》中两种不同的女性形象进行分析,对女性的主体性意识的真假做一个甄别。

    This article aims at distinguishing the two different female images between Ding ling 's " The Lady Sha Fei 's Diary " and Wei Hui 's " The Shanghai Dotey ", in which makes the assessment of identity awareness of female .

  15. 如果我们把张爱玲、王安忆、卫慧的《金锁记》、《倾城之恋》、《长恨歌》、《上海宝贝》等小说放在一起,我们就会看到很长的一段上海的历史变迁。

    If we can put " The biography of golden lock ", " The love of the whole city ", " The song of the everlasting sorrow " and " Shanghai baby " together , we will see a very long section of historical changes of Shanghai .

  16. 对都市新女性而言,论文以《上海宝贝》为例,寻找其在个人化表述、消费文化与宏大叙事间暧昧的缝合策略,阐释1990年代语境变形的宏大表述。

    The new urban women , the thesis of Shanghai Baby , for example , to find its expression in the personal , consumer culture and the grand narrative of the suture between the ambiguous strategy , explain the context of the 1990s , deformation of the grand statement .