
  1. 学生们走上街头,抗议这项决定。

    Students took to the streets to protest against the decision .

  2. 学生走上街头抗议这项决定。

    Students took to the streets to protest against the decision .

  3. 他们走上街头,用点燃的轮胎设置路障。

    They took to the streets , setting up roadblocks of burning tyres

  4. 数十万人走上街头庆祝这一时刻。

    Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to mark the occasion .

  5. 成千上万的人不顾宵禁涌上街头。

    Thousands of people have taken to the streets in defiance of the curfew .

  6. 人群乱哄哄地涌上街头。

    The crowds were eddying into the road .

  7. 成千上万的强硬派分子走上街头示威,脆弱的和平局势危在旦夕。

    The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets .

  8. 成千上万的人走上街头,抗议经济紧缩政策。

    Tens of thousands of people took to the streets , protesting against the austerity policy .

  9. 街头采访是一种由一名记者与一名摄影师走上街头对体育界人士进行的采访。

    The man-on-the-street interview is an interview in which a reporter hits the streets with a cameraman to interview people on the sport .

  10. 1886年5月1日,美国和加拿大的人们停止工作,走上街头。

    On May 1st , 1886 , men and women in the United States and Canada stopped working and went onto the streets .

  11. 本月20日就是被标榜为“恐慌星期六”的日子。当天,全英的消费者纷纷涌上街头,寻找圣诞节最后的折扣。人们在商业街的花销预计将达12亿英镑。

    Shoppers across Britain went looking for late Christmas bargains on Dec 20 as high street spending was set to reach £ 1.2 billion on what was being branded " Panic Saturday " .

  12. 英国公共及商业服务联合会(PublicandCommercialServicesUnion)表示,其成员将在下周四走上街头,也将采取其他形式的行业行动,包括从7月27日至8月20日之间拒绝加班。

    The Public and Commercial Services Union said its members would walk out next Thursday and would also take other forms of industrial action , such as a ban on overtime , from July 27 to August 20 .

  13. 据NPR新闻的彼得·肯扬报道,伊朗强硬派走上街头纪念这起事件。

    NPR 's Peter Kenyon reports Iranian hardliner took the streets to mark the occasion .

  14. 在伦敦和米兰等城市,上万名出租车司机走上街头抗议Uber服务。

    More than 10000 taxi drivers in cities including London and Milan also took to the streets to protest the company 's services .

  15. 在DirtyBlondeCocktails的帮助下,VideoJug走上街头,了解女性怎样走出前男友的阴影,重新开始生活。

    With the help of Dirty Blonde Cocktails , VideoJug hits the streets to find out how women get over a boyfriend and get on with life .

  16. 肯塔基州路易斯维尔市的人们涌上街头,庆祝肯塔基州红雀队打败密歇根州,赢得NCAA篮球大赛冠军。

    Huge crowds poured into the streets of Louisville , Kentucky after the Louisville Cardinals beat Michigan to win the NCAA basketball championship .

  17. 在此之前,数以千计的启东市民走上街头,甚至占据当地政府部门的办公室,这些市民表示,他们担忧这一拟建设施将污染饮用水。该设施由日资集团王子制纸(OjiPaper)的一家子公司拥有。

    The decision came after thousands of Qidong residents took to the streets and occupied local government offices , voicing concerns that the planned facility , owned by a subsidiary of Oji Paper , a Japanese group , would pollute drinking water .

  18. 但抗议活动还未结束,周五数千人走上街头,表示担心Saleh的心腹仍留在权力层。

    But those protests haven 't stopped , with tens of thousands back on the streets on Friday expressing their concern that Mr Saleh 's inner circle might still hold on to power .

  19. 这位副总统候选人呼吁美国人准备好摩托装备,周末走上街头参加在戴托纳海滩举办的Biketoberfest摩托车盛会。NPR新闻,阿里·夏皮罗,佛罗里达州戴托纳海滩报道。

    The vice presidential candidate gave a shout-out to American made harness , which are swarming the streets of Daytona this weekend for the motorcycle festival called Biketoberfest.Ari Shapiro , NPR News , Daytona beach , Florida .

  20. 所以AmelChehimi这样的书店职员都走上街头,敦促行人签署请愿书,要求撤销执照要求。

    So bookstore staff like Amel Chehimi are on the street - urging passersby to sign a to the license requirements .

  21. 埃尔多安总统竟然能用智能手机应用软件FaceTime与一个电视台通话,那个场景颇为奇怪,虽然有看上去软弱的风险,但削弱了策划者的势头,让埃尔多安能够呼吁市民涌上街头抵制叛乱。

    President Erdogan was able to use the FaceTime smartphone app to call a TV station , a bizarre scenario that risked the appearance of weakness but also sapped plotters " momentum and allowed him to call for the public to flood the streets in opposition .

  22. 要确保让你认识的所有大人都走上街头、参与投票。

    Make sure all adults you know get out and ote .

  23. 警报声使大家纷纷走上街头。

    The sound of sirens drew out everyone into the street .

  24. 当放羊的学生都涌上街头看国会是个什么反应

    We 'll see how Congress likes it when the streets are

  25. 康塞普西翁的人们用上街头和跑到空旷的地方。

    The people of Concep-cion rushed into the streets and open places .

  26. 直到2年前革命走上街头。

    Until two years ago when revolution hit the streets .

  27. 让人们走上街头的并不是互联网,而是民众的不满。

    The Internet does not bring people into the street .

  28. 他们身着节日的盛装走上街头。

    They went into the streets in beautiful festival clothes .

  29. 人民走上街头抗议物价的上涨。

    People took to streets to protest against the hike in prices .

  30. 其中有些人失去了一切,伤口上街头。

    I went for a walk , and wound up .