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yān bō hào miǎo
  • 熟语see also 烟波浩渺
  1. 太湖之上,烟波浩淼。

    On the Taihu Lake , mists and waves stretch far into the distance .

  2. 大卫和露西坐在渔船船头,凝望着烟波浩淼的水面。

    David and Lucy sat in the prow of the fishing boat and looked across the choppy water .

  3. 山海关位于华北与东北的交界处,北倚群峦叠翠的燕山,南襟烟波浩淼的渤海。

    Shanhaiguan is located at the junction of North and Northeast , Beiyi Emerald Group Yanshan mountain ranges , South lapel vastness of the Bohai Sea .

  4. 就好象年复一年的寒冬已经让我畏惧,我渴望着温润的江南,而陪我一起坐在烟波浩淼中央的人,永远都不会是你。

    Just like , years of cold winter had made me afraid , I long for the warm and wet Jiangnan , and the woman sitting with me together in the drizzly fog , will never be you .