
yān yóu
  • tobacco tar
烟油 [yān yóu]
  • [tobacco tar] 烟草的焦油

烟油[yān yóu]
  1. 整个房间都有烟油味。

    The whole room was infected by the smell of coal .

  2. 香烟烟油对粒细胞氧合作用活性影响的化学发光研究

    Effect of Cigarette-smoke Tar on Oxygenation Activity of Granulocytes Detected by Luminol - and Lucigenin-Enhanced Chemiluminescence Response of Rabbit Whole Blood

  3. 酸化后的含烟抽提物和亚硝化后的嚼烟油提物的转化活性高于未酸化或未亚硝化者。

    Transforming activities of acidified tobacco snuff extract and nitrosated chewing tobacco extract were higher than that of nonacidified or nonnilro-sated extracts .

  4. 马克:这么说吧,电子烟的烟油里尼古丁少多了,烟油就是装进笔式电子烟或者盒式电子烟里的东西。

    Mark : Well , there 's a lot less nicotine in e-juice - that 's the stuff that goes into a vape pen or a mod .

  5. 一项新研究警告称,电子烟油含有最致瘾类尼古丁,很多烟油瓶上标着错误的药物规格标签,这引起了一些严重问题。

    A new study warned that because e-liquids contain the most addictive form of nicotine and many bottles of the liquid are mislabeled as to their level of the drug , they are causing major problems .