
  • 网络camel
  1. 我要买一包骆驼牌香烟。

    I want to get a pack of camel .

  2. 骆驼牌香烟盒的底色是淡黄色,暗喻广阔的沙漠。

    The camel sign fragrant cigarette case bottom color is faint yellow , metaphor broad desert .

  3. “多谢!”我说,偷偷递给他半包骆驼牌香烟。

    ' Thanks , Ernie , 'I said , and slipped him half a pack of Camels .

  4. 得到这一默许之后,他拿出一包骆驼牌香烟来,向她伸过去。

    With that tacit permission , he pulled out a pack of Camels and field it toward her .

  5. 她把头发向后撩起,掐灭骆驼牌香烟或者把交叉起来的小马似的双腿放下来&这些都是在给时常看她的伊夫发信号。

    The way she flicked her hair back , extinguished a Camel or uncrossed her colt-like legs sent a signal to Yves , who watched her constantly .

  6. 他在一汪池水边停下来,拍摄一些奇形怪状的树枝在水中的倒影,拍完以后,坐在卡车的踏板上喝咖啡,吸一只骆驼牌香烟,聆听白桦树间的风声。

    At a pond he stopped and shot some reflections on the water made by an odd-shaped tree branch when he finished he sat on the running board of his truck , drinking coffee , smoking a camel , and listening to the wind in the birch trees .

  7. 我有一包“骆驼牌”香烟,你想来一支吗?

    I 've got a packet of " camel " . would you like to try one ?