
  1. 《标准》明确指出,学生要初步了解数学科学与人类社会发展之间的相互作用,体会数学的科学价值、应用价值、人文价值。

    It explicitly indicates that students should primarily know about the interrelation between mathematics and the development of human societies , and experience scientific value , application value and humanistic value of mathematics .

  2. 通识课程类别为数学与自然科学、社会科学、哲学与心理学、历史学、语言学和文学与艺术。

    General course category for mathematics and natural science , social science , philosophy and psychology , history , linguistics and literature and art .

  3. 在过去的五年中,国内对于教育的话题一直集中在阅读分数、数学测试和缩小与社会实践课程之间的差距。

    For the past five years , the national conversation on education has focused on reading scores , math tests and closing the " achievement gap " between social classes .

  4. 从数学的社会历史文化视角探讨了数学对人类历史与社会发展的影响,揭示了数学的文化价值。

    This paper discusses maths ' influence upon human history and society from the aspect of society , history and culture , revealing the cultural value of maths .