- 网络unit root;ADF;root of unity

After ADF test and Granger causality test , I establish a VAR model and forecast accordingly .
Unit Root and Co - integrate Test Analysis of Panel Data
The Small Sample Properties for De-trending Unit Root Tests in STAR Frameworks
If E is a repeated radical tower , then E contains the p_i_th primitive roots of unity ;
Analyzing Unit Root Spurious Test
Block Structure of U_q ( m , n ) When q is a Primitive Root of Unity of Even Numbers
The Analysis of United Test of F Statistics in ADF Unit Root Test
Under the nearly unit root circumstance , applying empirical likelihood method to construct confidence intervals for φ n is an interesting topic and very useful .
Quantitative methods include ADF , Granger causality test and ordinary least squares .
The Research on the Comparison of Unit Root Test of DF , ADF and PP
This article adopts the unit root tests with structural change , and studies the characteristics of Shanghai composite index , Shenzhen ingredient index , Shanghai A-index , and Shanghai B-index .
Through unit root test , F test and cointegration test , we obtain the pooled regression model and time and entity fixed effects regression model .
ADF test is the most common method of unit root test .
Reevaluation of the Relationships between Financial Development and Urban-Rural Income Disparity in China-an Empirical Study Based on Panel Unit Root and VAR Models
A Study on the Reliability of DF Tests for Unit Root Processes with GARCH ( 1,1 ) - Normal-errors
Functional Central Limit Theorem Approximations and ADF Unit Root Test of Financial Time Series With GARCH-GED Error Term
New Method of Unit Roots Test in CEV Model
In this paper we propose Lagrange multiplier tests of joint hypotheses based on the ADF unit root tests .
The S_N unit roots test proposed by Chang ( 2002 ) for panels with cross-sectional dependency based on the nonlinear IV estimation performs better than the existing tests .
Based on the work of unit root test of China 's GDP , the acceleration of China 's economic growth which is the second difference of GDP , is regarded as a random walk model .
Elevated CO_2 also decreased remarkably the number of root hair and per-unit dry root weight of rice and barnyardgrass , which might be one of morphological reasons why root activity decreased under FACE condition .
Research on Wald Statistics for Unit Root Test
We study the persistence from the former viewpoint in chapter 4 ; that is to say , we test for a unit root in volatility process .
Empirical results of the paper support this hypothesis . The third chapter introduces the theory of unit root examine , cointegration test , error correction model and Granger-causality examine .
This paper introduces the developing trends of FDI and GDP in China , and researches empirically on the relationship between FDI and GDP by using the unit root test , co-integration test and Granger causality test .
Before modeling , first carry out unit root test and cointegration relationship test on each economic indicator and the make the variables granger causality analysis of the CPI .
Furthermore , we extend the SUR method to panel unit root test and panel cointegration test to accommodate dependence across the cross-section .
Although , in big sample , the traditional unit root test of the time series ( for example , DF test , ADF test and PP test ) has a better power .
In the manufacturing industry , the unit root test is done for debt / asset mean by using NP and ADF test , which reveals that mean is not stationary .
In the last decade , there exist two active lines on the investigation of nonlinear time series . One is the autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity ( ARCH ) model , the another is the nonstationary ( unit root ) time series model .