
  • 网络Single-gun
  1. 传统的查找表法在标定CRT时,假定CRT单枪作用时所显示颜色的色品坐标恒定不变,而实际上却有较大变化,对标定的精度有较大的影响。

    When calibrating CRT using traditional look up table method , a hypothesis is supposed that color coordinate of a single gun CRT color display is invariable while it does not accord with the true situation .

  2. 用扫描电镜(SEM)研究了氟化镁在800nm超短脉冲激光作用下的单枪表面烧蚀形貌。

    Single-shot damage morphology of magnesium fluoride induced by femtosecond laser pulse was studied with scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) . The laser pulses used were 800 nm central wavelength .

  3. 障板式单枪彩色显像管故障树分析法在彩显故障分析中的应用

    Application of Fault Tree Analysis Approach in Analyzing the Failure of Color Display

  4. 那是因为你试图单枪匹马达成太多东西

    It 's ' cause you 're trying to do too much on your own .

  5. 伽玛刀高剂量、单枪点、小准直器对狗脑放射效应的研究

    Research of dog 's brain radioresponse to gamma knife with high dosage , single-site and small collimator

  6. 总体上双枪形式优于单枪,燃烧率平均提高5%~10%,其中氧煤双枪效果最佳。

    The combustion efficiency for double lances is 5 % - 10 % higher than that of single lances . The effect of oxygen - coal double lances is the best .

  7. 她说:在一个刚起步的公司,就像玩大型拼图游戏&你想有所创造,但是单枪匹马行不通,要求你与他人协作。

    In a start-up , it is almost like you are dealing with a big jigsaw puzzle – you want to create something , but you cannot do it alone . So it requires you to cooperate with others , she said .

  8. 对不同类型喷枪的煤粉燃烧率进行了热态模拟实验,发现采用交叉式氧煤双枪和双煤枪可以获得比单枪较高的燃烧率。

    The effect of different types of lances on the combustion rate of pulverized coal was researched in laboratory . The results show that the oxygen and coal double lances or the two coal double lances could obtain a higher combustion rate than any type of single lance .