
dān chénɡ piào
  • one way ticket;single
  1. 浅谈地铁AFC系统单程票的调配

    Talk over One Way Ticket Adjustment in Metro AFC System

  2. 译文:他买了一张到英国的单程票。

    He bought a one way ticket to England .

  3. 去格拉斯哥的单程票多少钱?

    How much is the single fare to Glasgow ?

  4. 去约克的单程票多少钱?

    How much is a single to York ?

  5. 一张往返票比两张单程票便宜。

    A return is cheaper than two singles .

  6. 单程票的价格是39英镑。

    The price of a single ticket is thirty-nine pounds .

  7. 他们有足够的钱买单程票。

    They had enough cash for a one-way ticket

  8. 他们已经申请了前往这颗红色星球的单程票,由MarsOne提供,一个总部设在荷兰的组织,希望2023年在那建立一个人类定居地。

    They 've applied for one-way tickets to the red planet offered by Mars One , an organization based in the Netherlands hoping to establish a human colony there in 2023 .

  9. 对AFC系统内单程票应用的探讨

    Discussion about Using Single Tickets in AFC System

  10. 对地铁自动售捡票系统(AFC)单程票的解决方案进行了技术和应用方面的分析讨论,阐述了选择可靠的、经济的收费媒体(票卡)对系统的重要性。

    The one-way ticket solution of AFC of metro is discussed from the view of technology and application .

  11. 现在,我们记住了,我们买的是一张SV成人票,不管SV是什么,可能是单程票,但是这里谁TM关心这个?

    Now , we 're reminded that an SV adult is what we 're buying , whatever SV is , probably single value , but who the hell cares at this point ?

  12. 大连快轨交通3号线AFC系统是国内第一个自主研发并投入运行,完全以非接触式IC卡为车票载体(单程票用薄卡型)的自动售检票系统。

    The AFC system of Dalian rapid rail transit line 3 is the first of its kind independently developed by China itself , which employs contactless IC card as the carrier of tickets .

  13. 从广州地铁自动售检票系统单程票TOKEN的芯片选型、外形、结构、存储空间规划、验收标准等几个方面进行介绍,并阐述了TOKEN在应用过程中需关注的技术关键。

    This paper introduces the type selection of CMOS chip , appearance , structure , assigning memory , checking and accepting stand of the TOKEN in the Guangzhou metro AFC system . It emphasizes some key technologies in application of the TOKEN .

  14. 到哪可以买到去海滨车站的单程票?

    Where can I buy a train ticket to seaside station ?

  15. 你要买单程票还是来回票?

    Would you like a one-way or a round trip ticket ?

  16. 一张普快列车单程票多少钱?

    How much is a one-way ticket for the local train ?

  17. 还有通往大西洋底的单程票吗

    and a one-way ticket to the bottom of the Atlantic ?

  18. 我们买了单程票。黛比笑着说。

    We bought one-way tickets , Ms. Campbell said , laughing .

  19. 一张单程票到手,你已经准备要走

    Got a one-way ticket and you 're all set to go

  20. 那就是我们要给她一张单程票,让她回家。

    That we should give her a one-way ticket back home .

  21. 单程票16美元,来回票30美元。

    Sixteen dollars one way , thirty dollars round trip .

  22. 深圳地铁单程票流失算法研究

    On the Algorithm for the Loss of Single Tickets in Shenzhen Metro

  23. 请买三张去青岛的头等单程票。

    Three singles to qingdao , first class , please .

  24. 就要单程票,谢谢。从那儿我还要继续往前走。

    Just one way , please . I 'll go from there .

  25. 单程票为28美元。

    You should pay $ 28 for a one-way ticket .

  26. 一张单程票大概要花200美元。

    A one-way ticket costs about two hundred dollars .

  27. 我要一张去法兰克福的二等单程票。

    I want a second class single to frankfort .

  28. 单程票45美元,包括膳食。

    It 's $ 45 single , including boarding .

  29. 你认为单程票会便宜些。

    You expect a single ticket to be cheaper .

  30. 你想要往返票还是单程票?

    Do you want a round trip or one-way ?