
  • 网络Single copy;single work
  1. M1单本移栽并单株收获。

    M , generation was transplanted and harvested by each plant .

  2. M1代单本栽插并实行单株收获;

    The M1 plants was transplanted and harvested by single plant .

  3. 根据审计媒体联盟(allianceforauditedmedia)的数据,去年,美国杂志单本销量同比下滑9.5%,至2670万本。

    Single copy sales fell 9.5 per cent to 26.7m in 2012 from the previous year , according to the Alliance for audited media .

  4. 另外,分析中会提到其他同样值得阅读的单本和系列书籍,但却并不契合MargaretWeis和TracyHickman两位作者的中心故事线。

    In addition , the explanation mentions other books and series of books that are certainly worth reading that are not part of the central storyline by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman .

  5. 辐射第1代单本移栽并实行单株收获;

    M1 generation was transplanted and harvested by each single plant .

  6. 水稻强化栽培技术是全新的栽培理论,技术核心是小苗单本稀植。

    SRI ( system of rice intensification ) is a new theory of rice culture .

  7. 可见人得称义是本于行为,不是单本于信。

    You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith only .

  8. 单本销量是杂志的健康标志,因为它们最能反映消费者需求。

    Single-copy sales are a pulse of health for magazines because they best reflect consumer demand .

  9. 就是这从俄国圣彼得堡运送而来的最后一单本周在马里兰州的巴尔的摩港口交付完毕。

    The final shipment arrived this week in the port of Baltimore , Maryland , from St. Petersburg , Russia .

  10. 在该试验范围内,强化栽培的适宜栽培密度为9&13.5万穴/hm~2,此时,产量可达最高,栽植方式以错窝每穴三角形栽3株较单本栽插产量高。

    In this experiment conditions , the suitable planting density of SRI is 9104cave / hm2to 13.5104cave/hnr and its grain yield is highest .

  11. 对头季稻收获时单本株的农艺性状与其再生力的强弱进行了相关性研究。

    The relationship between agronomic traits per single plant during the harvest of main crop and their ratooning ability in hybrid mid rice was studied .

  12. 试验结果表明:杂交中稻在6~7叶期大苗单本移栽,苗质显著地影响结实期群体源、库及稻谷产量。

    The experiment results showed the quality of big seedling with 6 ~ 7 leaves dramatically influenced the source and sink of population at seed setting stage .

  13. 昨日公布的数据显示,在来自数字内容的竞争加剧以及零售空间缩小的背景下,来自报摊和零售场所的美国杂志单本销量大幅下滑。

    Data released yesterday show a big decline in the single-copy sales of US magazines from newsstands and retail outlets , amid increased competition from digital and reduced retail space .

  14. 然而,这些研究考察的对象大部分还集中在单本或结集出版的译作方面,对特定某个期刊翻译作品的研究则相对不足。

    Nevertheless , the focus of these studies is mainly on the single issue or collected articles , and the study on translated literature of a particular periodical is relatively weak .

  15. 但6.34%的单本销量降幅反映了更加真实的画面。单本销量追踪的是在超市付款处、书店和报摊售出的杂志数量。

    Yet the truer picture was told by a 6.34 per cent fall in single copy sales , the figure that tracks magazines bought at supermarket check-outs , book stores and news-stands .

  16. 头季稻收获时,单本株头季稻的每穗实粒数、结实率与再生芽、再生率达极显著正相关,其中以幂回归相关为最大。表2,参14。

    During the harvest of the main crop , highly significant positive correlations between the filled grains per panicle or fertility per single plant and their ratooning ability in hybrid mid rice was observed , optimum significant positive correlation was the power curvilinear regression .

  17. 超导粉末BSCCO单晶体本构行为

    Constitutive behavior of a superconducting powder BSCCO crystal

  18. 考虑异向强化效应的单晶体本构关系研究

    Study on the Single Crystal Constitutive Model Concerning Anisotropic Harden Effect

  19. 混凝土疲劳特性与疲劳损伤后等效单轴本构关系

    Fatigue Behavior and Post-damaged Equivalent Constitutive Law of Plain Concrete

  20. 硫化镉单晶体本征吸收边的类氢光谱系

    The hydrogen-like series near the characteristic edge of the cadmium sulphide single crystals

  21. 店员:这是由于您逾期未付租金而加收利息的通知单自本月1日开始。

    C : Oh , this is for the interest charge on your rental which has been outstanding since the first of the month .

  22. 除单用本品较小剂量作放射增敏剂外,一般不宜和放射治疗同用。

    Except that the single product of small dose is taken as radiosensitizer , the product is not suitable to be applied together with radiotherapy generally .

  23. 湖北作为中部大省,产业结构调整需要大量的资金、技术投入,不能单靠本省和本国的支持。

    As the central Hubei province , the industrial structure adjustment requires a large amount of capital , technology investment , can not rely on the support of the province and national .

  24. 被保险人可随时书面申请注销本保险单,本公司亦可提前十五天通知被保险人注销本保险单。

    This Policy may be canceled at any time at the request of the Insured in writing or at the option of the Company by giving a fifteen 15 days prior notice to the Insured .

  25. 单从本论文内容上看,主要分为两个方面:下垫面在对空观测中的影响,以及天空背景仿真软件开发。

    From the content of the paper , it can be made of two parts : One is the radiative transfer on surface , and the other is the designing of the emulating-software on sky background .

  26. 所有请假事项须经过老师签名许可,语言中心及教师不提供请假单影本以外之证明;

    Any one of the excuse types should be allowed by your teacher ( s ) . The Language Center and the teachers do not provide any proof except for the copy of your excuse slip .

  27. 建议了一个可用岩石初始状态CT数和弹性模量的单轴损伤本构方程,并用算例进行了验证;

    A axial damage constitutive equation is proposed and testified .

  28. 混凝土等效单轴应变本构模型中εic计算公式的改进

    Amendment of calculating equation of ε ic in equivalent uniaxial strain stress relation of concrete

  29. 稀土元素Ac,Th,Pa和U原子的单电子能量本征值以及X射线能量的相对论计算

    Relativistic calculations of single-electron energy eigenvalues and X-ray energies of rare earth elements Ac , Th , Pa and U

  30. 利用分离式霍普金森压力杆(SHPB)装置测试了大量花岗岩的单轴冲击本构关系。

    Many granite constitutive curves under uniaxial impact loading were tested with split Hopkinson pressure bar ( SHPB ) apparatus .