
  • 网络Dry humor;dry humour;deadpan humour;Cold humor
  1. 试论《围城》的冷幽默

    On Cold Humor in Novel Fortress Besieged

  2. 实际上,我的童年生活让我变得很能接受批评,他以冷幽默的口吻说道。

    I actually have a childhood that 's given me a great capacity to accept criticism , he says with deadpan humour .

  3. 在Twitter上关注了他的人都知道,斯诺登可是个冷幽默高手(他的Twitter只关注了一个账号:美国国家安全局。)

    As anyone who follows him on Twitter knows ( he follows just one account : the NSA ) he is capable of a very dry wit .

  4. 就我个人而言,我喜欢艾伦的冷幽默。

    Personally , I like Ellen 's dry sense of humor .

  5. 但是偶尔也会来点冷幽默。

    However , occasionally humorous to point the cold .

  6. 这部影片充满了冷幽默和好笑的段子,欢乐中带着机智。

    This movie is a witty feat of hilarity , full of dry humor and moments of comedy gold .

  7. 我喜欢冷幽默感的喜剧演员们,好比我上次看的剧集中那个自谦的家伙。

    I like comedians with a dry sense of humor like that self-deprecating guy on that show I watch .

  8. 英国人喜欢冷幽默:这就是为什么所有出租的自行车都刻着同一家银行的名字,而这家银行正因为固定利率而在被调查阶段。

    Britons love bleak humour : that 's why all the hire bikes are branded with the name of a bank currently being investigated for fixing interest rates .

  9. 荒诞的世界冷隽的幽默&黑色幽默在二十二条军规中的成功运用

    The Black Humor in an Absurd World

  10. 第三章描述了冷笑话的特点及修辞方式,通过语言学相关理论对冷笑话的幽默进行了分析。

    In the third chapter , this thesis points out the characteristics of cold joke and analyzes its humor according to relevant linguistic theories .