
  • cold violence;emotional abuse
  1. 家庭冷暴力的危害及防治对策

    The harm of cold violence in family

  2. 第三部分集中分析中等职业学校教育冷暴力产生的原因。

    The third section concentrates on the causes of education cold violence in secondary vocational schools .

  3. 这就是“家庭软暴力”,也叫作“冷暴力”。对家庭成员实施的精神虐待可包括忽视对方的需求或拒绝沟通。

    This is called " soft domestic violence " , also known as emotional abuse . Non-physical abuse toward family members can include ignoring other people 's needs or neglecting to communicate regularly .

  4. 语言跟真相可能很伤人,但有时候,沉默是更伤人的冷暴力。

    Words and truths may hurt , but sometimes silence kills us even more .

  5. 尤其是在你对我冷暴力之后

    especially after you man-handled me .

  6. 对于教育冷暴力的解决通过构建和谐校园,提高教师素质,健全法规约束三种途径予以诠释和解决。

    The way to solve teacher cold violence is harmonious campus construction he improvement of teachers ' qualities and perfecting laws and regulations .

  7. 这些措施对于解决当前中等职业学校面临的教育冷暴力问题有着很强的针对性和可行性。

    These measures have a highly pertinences and feasibility to the solution of education cold violence to which the secondary vocational school faces .

  8. 总之,本文比较全面地分析了当前中等职业学校教育冷暴力的问题,根据中等职业教育发展的要求和创建和谐校园的精神,提出了相应的解决对策。

    According to the request of developing secondary vocational school and the spirit of creating harmonious school , this paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures .

  9. 11月25日是国际消除对妇女的暴力日,家庭冷暴力这一社会问题正日益受到社会各界的关注。

    As the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women ( November 25 ) approaches , another type of abuse is attracting nationwide attention .

  10. 本研究通过实证调查来探讨巨型高中教育冷暴力的危害,并提出解决对策,具有实践价值。

    This study discusses the harm of giant senior high school by the Empirical Investigation , and proposes solutions . There is practical value in this stud .

  11. 本文的研究立足于当前创建和谐校园的背景下来思考中等职业学校教育冷暴力的现状及对策。

    This study based on the current background of establishes harmonious school thinking of the current situation and countermeasures of education cold violence in secondary vocational schools .

  12. 思考当前中等职业学校教育冷暴力对学生的危害,分析教育冷暴力产生的根源,并有针对性地提出问题解决的对策,是本文的主要研究任务。

    The main tasks of this study are thinking of the harms of education cold violence , anglicizing of the rootstocks , and proposing targeted measures to solve problems .

  13. 她说,家庭暴力常见于低收入、文化程度低的家庭中,而冷暴力在收入高、文化水平高的家庭中更为常见。

    Physical abuse is most often found in low-income , low-education families , while cold violence is more common in families at the opposite end of the scale , she said .

  14. 当男人们本可以通过一点点甜言蜜语或小礼物来取悦妻子,而不是争吵或实行冷暴力的时候,女人们是不会明白为什么她们的丈夫就是不愿意用这么点技巧来对待她们。

    Women can never understand why their husbands refuse to handle them diplomatically , when it would be money in their pockets to use the velvet glove instead of the strong-arm method .

  15. 作为职场冷暴力的一种,职场排斥现象广泛存在于各类组织中,并对组织和个人产生了巨大的负面影响。

    Described as one of the " cold violence " in the workplace , ostracism phenomenon exists widely in all kinds of enterprises , and makes great influence on the organization and individual .

  16. 通过第三部分导致教育冷暴力原因的分析,论文从教育行政管理部门、教师、学生、家长以及社会等几个方面阐述了减少教育冷暴力的针对性措施。

    Through the analysis in the third section , this paper expounds the targeted measures of reduction from the aspects such as education administration departments , teachers , students , parents and society .

  17. 社会权力视角的民间法具有权利与权力的双重属性,具有冷暴力、文化性和族性特征。

    From the perspective of social authority , customary law displays a duality of right and authority , which gives rise to characteristics like " cold violence ", " cultural " and " national " .

  18. 当前,家庭暴力问题,尤其是家庭冷暴力问题在我国十分严重,而且它在家庭暴力中所占的比重有日益扩大的趋势。

    At present , the problem of domestic violence , especially cold violence in our country at home is a very serious problem , and at home in the proportion of violence there is a growing trend .

  19. 使用家庭暴力量表和中学生心理素质量表对广州市403名中学生进行测试,探索家庭暴力(包括肢体暴力、言语暴力、冷暴力)与中学生心理素质的关系。

    403 middle school students in Guangzhou were measured by Domestic Violence Scale and Middle School Students Mental Health Scale , trying to find if there was any relationship between body violence , oral violence and cold violence .

  20. 巨型高中是当地的名牌、重点学校,面对升学和教学质量的压力,教师负担加重,教师冷暴力现象更为凸显。

    Giant senior high schools are local famous and important school . The Faces of the entering a higher school and the quality of teaching make burden on teachers . the phenomenon of teacher cold violence is more serious .

  21. 教育冷暴力不是通过殴打等暴力行为解决问题,而是表现为冷淡、轻视、放任、疏远和漠不关心,致使学生精神上和心理上受到侵犯和伤害。

    Education cold violence is not through beatings and other acts of violence to resolve problems , but for poor performance , neglect , laissez-faire , alienation and indifference , which makes students violated and injured spiritually and psychologically .

  22. 通过问卷调查和访谈的方式,了解当前中等职业学校教育冷暴力的现状,并分析教育冷暴力存在的危害有哪些,为后续的导致教育冷暴力的原因分析和策略形成提供可靠的依据。

    Through manners of surveys and interviews , we find out the status quo and analyses the harms , to the effect that provide a reliable basis for causation analysis and strategy formation of education cold violence in the next .

  23. 目前,家庭冷暴力正日益成为破坏现代婚姻家庭的重要病毒,也是诱发受害者犯罪,造成社会不稳定的原因之一。

    And cold violence in family is increasingly becoming a modern marriage to undermine the importance of the family , " virus ", is also induced by the victims of crime , social instability caused by one of the reasons .

  24. 但是,尽管家庭冷暴力在现在的社会中越来越盛行,然而,到目前为止,对于家庭冷暴力这一社会现象还没有很好的解决办法,在法律上对于家庭冷暴力也尚无明确的定义。

    However , even though at home cold violence now more and more prevalent in society , but , so far , for this phenomenon is also no better solution , in the law for domestic cold violence also is no clear-cut definition .