
  1. 我自己也只是一点一点地才成为一个戴高乐主义者的。

    I myself have become a Gaullist only little by little .

  2. 中途转机旅客的行李只在最后目的地才过海关检查。

    Interline baggage goes through customs at the final destination .

  3. 过了四十天,他们窥探那地才回来。

    At the end of forty days they returned from exploring the land .

  4. 他犁了差不多一块地才有人注意到他。

    He had plowed up quite a piece of ground before anyone noticed him .

  5. 后来慢慢地才演变成现在的这种竞技项目。

    Later this practice gradually evolved into a competitive sport as it is today .

  6. 他慌忙走开,一直走到险些儿跌倒在地才停下来。

    He hurried off , and walked till he almost dropped upon the ground ;

  7. 反而,他比较艰难地才跨过石头,继续他的路程。

    Instead , with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way .

  8. 迄今为止,每个县只有在县炡椨所在地才算是“城”。

    So far , each county has only one " city " where the county seat is located .

  9. 他自己在他们前头过去,一连七次俯伏在地才就近他哥哥。

    He himself went on ahead and bowed down to the ground seven times as he approached his brother .

  10. 我已经准备好了面对她的挣扎,也许是一场追逐,厮打甚至要把她扭倒在地才行。

    I was prepared for a struggle , perhaps a chase and a tackle and wrestling her into restraints .

  11. 社会大众渐渐地才完全明白需要保存本国动植物生命的需要。

    By gradual stages the public became in time fully alive to the need of saving the nation 's animal and plant life .

  12. 直到到达了错误的目的地才想到去问自己是上错了车还是下错了站。

    Utill got the wrong end and asked ourselves if we 've taken a wrong bus or we 've gotten off the wrong stop .

  13. 公寓乱得要命,早土应该洗洗衣服、打扫卫生间,然后(用吸尘器)吸吸地才对。

    My apartment is such a mess . I think I will do my laundry , clean my bathroom , and vacuum this morning .

  14. 但是到达这样的高峰并非易事:尽管有《星球大战》现象,但是从很多方面来说,电影工业是很艰难地才行走到顶峰。

    But reaching that summit was not easy : The " Star Wars " phenomenon notwithstanding , the film industry in many ways limped to the top .

  15. 火力支援单位。必须先钻地才可以进攻。显然的,它可以钻地。

    Lurker – Fire support unit , has to be burrowed to attack , then sends underground spikes at opponents to bust them up . Obviously , this thing can burrow .

  16. 侍从的人数少了一半以上,库图佐夫和他们很费劲地才从左面的人流中钻出来,朝着近处隐约可闻的炮声隆隆的地方驰去。

    Getting out with an immense effort from the stream on the left , Kutuzov , with his suite diminished to a half , rode towards the sounds of cannon close by .

  17. 直到第二天早上,人们惊讶地才发现他们已经逃走了。这三个人用肥皂、毛发和纸巾制作了足以乱真的假头,从外面看上去就好像他们还在里面睡觉一样。

    Their escape was not realized until the next morning , as the men had fashioned some dummy heads from soap , human hair , and toilet paper to make it look like they were asleep in their beds .

  18. 开关多么地频繁才算过度?

    How much flicking on and off is too much ?

  19. 人只有满怀热情地行动才称得上伟大。

    Man is only great when he acts from passion .

  20. 那样你必须很努力很努力地工作才行。

    You 'll have to work really , really hard .

  21. 只有真正限制地禁令才是真禁令。

    A ban is not a ban unless restricted .

  22. 迟迟地他才明白那火灾发生在他自己的家里。

    Only slowly did he understand that the fire was in his own house .

  23. 科学家们必须进行更加深入地探讨才能够对动物如何应用它们的耳朵获得更多的知识。

    Scientists must explore much further for more knowledge about how animals use their ears .

  24. 然后我顿悟了房地产业才是我的归宿。

    And then I realized , a career in real estate is what I want .

  25. 她把购物袋放在地上才可以开门。

    She laid the grocery bags on the ground so she could open the door .

  26. 或者顺从地,才引发暴力事件么?

    Or comply , and initiate violence ?

  27. 这个题目非常枯燥,非得一本正经地谈才行。

    It is so tedious a subject that one would have to talk seriously about it .

  28. 我们都非常勤劳地工作才争取到买房子的信用资格…

    We have worked really hard to get our credit to be acceptable to purchase a home ...

  29. 只有当缓冲满或显示地清空才真正向外部设备传输。

    The actual transport to the external device happens only when the buffer is full or explicitly flushed .

  30. 我们只有积极地应诉才有可能继续保持良好的出口态势。

    We will have to be faced with it , which may help continue keeping the good export situation .