
  • 网络HELL GATE;the gate of hell;Jigokumon;Hell Mission
  1. 安的地狱门伞树国家公园,肯尼亚。

    An Umbrella Tree in Hell 's Gate National Park , Kenya .

  2. 战役一开始,地狱门敞开。

    When war begins then hell opens .

  3. 地狱门前我做着最后的徘徊,没有人知道我的伤心与无奈!

    Hell hovering in front of me doing the last , no one knows my sad and helpless !

  4. 几个世纪通过了自从光帝国击败了黑暗帝国和毁坏了地狱门。

    Several centuries have passed since the Empire of Light defeated the Empire of Darkness and destroyed the gates of Hell .

  5. 农历七月中旬到下旬的15天被认为是不详的因为适逢饿鬼节。鬼节时地狱门会打开,孤魂野鬼可以到人间游荡。

    The 15 day period from the middle to the end of the seventh lunar month is considered inauspicious because that is time of the Hungry Ghost Festival when the gates of Hell are opened and the lost spirits are allowed to wonder the earth .

  6. 答案是否定的&如果美国打算像其副总统乔•拜登(JoeBiden)上周所说的那样,把ISIS一路清剿到地狱之门。

    Not if America intends , as Joe Biden , the vice-president , put it last week , to follow Isis to the gates of hell .

  7. 我们进了疯人院地狱之门

    We 've entered bedlam . The very gates of hell .

  8. 你会看到地狱之门在那里打开了,太糟糕了。

    You can see straight down into hell . it 's bad .

  9. 地狱之门被打开了所以,,,它们回来了吗?

    The hellgate is open so * they can return ?

  10. 在我们通过地狱之门时,愿荣誉保佑我们!

    Let us be blessed with glory as we cross the gate of hell !

  11. 结果工程师到地狱之门报到得进去了。

    So the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in .

  12. 就好像封掉了地狱之门。

    It was Iike shutting down hell .

  13. (希腊神话)守卫地狱之门的三头狗。

    ( Greek mythology ) 3-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades ; son of Typhon .

  14. 这里被戏称为“地狱之门”,这并不夸张。

    It 's nicknamed the " Gateway to Hell , " and that 's not an exaggeration .

  15. 刚刚逃离地狱之门的白雪公主与草地上的动物们还有可爱的森林生物交起了朋友。

    Returning from the Underworld , Snow White is befriended by woodland animals and cute creatures of the forest .

  16. 这些努力成就了他的许多创新之作——比如拥有一百多个形象的《地狱之门》。

    This dedication resulted in creative pieces such as The Gates of Hell , which included several hundred figures .

  17. 距离小镇的不远处有一个炽热的火坑,当地人称之为“地狱之门”。

    And not far from the town is a fiery crater that the locals have dubbed " The Door to Hell . "

  18. 地狱之门也在我们的身内,也就是眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意。

    The doors of hell also exist within us , at the eye , ear , nose , tongue , body and mind .

  19. 噶米洛指出了这个盒子的神话来源:古罗马神话中的英雄埃涅阿斯手持金树枝打开了地狱之门。

    Giulio Camillo indicated the mythological reference for this box : the Latin hero Aeneas , taking the golden bough to penetrate into the Ades .

  20. 如果耶稣是这教会的创始人,祂一定反对似是而非的道理,祂一定阻挡地狱之门大开,这问题今天是否仍然存在?

    And if Jesus was the founder of this Church and said the gates of hell would not prevail against it , does it still exist ?

  21. 图片中这个深不见底的大洞被当地人称为“地狱之门”,位于乌兹别克斯坦一个叫做达尔瓦兹的小镇附近。

    The picture of this bottomless hole has been known locally as " Hell 's Gate ", located in Uzbekistan near the small town called darwaz .

  22. 雨落滴答,钟声绝鸣,脑际回荡魔鬼之狂笑,来自地狱之门。

    The chiming of Christmas bell ! The bell died in the patter of rain , from hell came the laughing of Satan at m y brain .

  23. 今天倒好,天堂有路你不走,地狱无门你偏来都,你现在只能成为我的盘中餐了!

    Daohao today in heaven , there are roads you do not go , hell no one to turn to have your side , you can be my Panzhong Can a !

  24. 上帝不会问你怎么会那么长的时间在寻找救恩,他是多么引颈期盼能将你引领到天上的家,而非地狱之门。

    God won 't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation . He 'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven , and not to the gates of Hell 。 Your Mind

  25. 舞厅,电影院,这个爵士乐时代,如果我们能相信自己的耳朵的话,都是通向地狱之门,我们最好坐在家里思过。

    Dance halls , cinemas , this age of jazz are all , if we may believe our ears , gateways to hell , and we should be better employed sitting at home contemplating our sins .

  26. 天堂高阁连云,历历在望,正当这个时候,地狱之门却大开,同时那地狱之门却最富有吸引力,成了旅客的最大危机。

    Paradise shelf Lianyun , distinctly in sight , just this time , the gates of hell are wide open , and that the gates of hell are most attractive , has become the biggest crisis of visitors .

  27. 地狱不在我们可见的世界范围内,但这儿却是地狱之门开始的地方。

    Hell is not in the realm of our physical world , but the entrance to hell begins there .