
  • 网络orographic precipitation
  1. 另外,对中尺度地形降水的研究为区域气候模式模拟高精度地形降水分布提供了实测依据。

    In addition , this research on mesoscale orographic precipitation can provide a robust basis for the simulation of high-resolution terrain rainfall in regional climate models .

  2. 地形对降水影响的数值试验

    A numerical experiment on the effect of terrain on the precipitation

  3. 气溶胶对秦岭山脉地形云降水的影响

    Effect of Aerosol on Orographic Precipitation in Qinling Mountains

  4. 秦岭&黄淮平原过渡带地形对降水影响

    Orographic influence on Precipitation in transitional zone between Qinling mountain range and Huang-Huai plain

  5. 潜水埋深受地形、降水和林分影响较大。

    The depth of ground water was greatly influenced by topography , precipitation and forest type .

  6. 地形对降水起增幅作用;

    The terrain reinforce the precipitation ;

  7. 地形对降水空间分布的影响主要是通过宏观地形因素的性质和局地海拔高度不同而起作用的。

    The terrain affect Spatial Distribution of Precipitation by way of macroeconomics topographer and parcel height above sea level .

  8. 本文首先介绍了龙达沟泥石流的发育的地质环境条件,然后从地形、降水汇流和松散固体物质补给三个方面研究了龙达沟泥石流的形成条件;

    The thesis introduces the development geological environment of the debris flow firstly , then analyses the formation condition from aspects of landform , precipitation confluence and solid matter supply ;

  9. 地形对降水影响的研究一直是个热点问题,有关研究多集中在地形的动力、热力作用以及其在降水量、降水强度和空间分布的作用上。

    Orographic influences on precipitation has been a hot issue , the previous studies focus either on dynamical and thermodynamical effects , and on topographic influences to precipitation intensity and spatial distribution .

  10. 坡向、坡度、植被条件及地形对降水也有一定影响,如秦岭北坡、太行山西坡等背风坡可使降水比理论值减少5%~7%;

    It is obvious that the synthetic factors affect on precipitation in the Loess plateau . For example , the precipitation on northern slope of the Qinling Mountains and western slope of the Taihang Mountains is 5 & 7 % less than their theoretical value ;

  11. 台风Rananim登陆期间地形对其降水和结构影响的数值模拟试验

    The Numerical Simulation of Orographic Effect on the Rain and Structure of Typhoon Rananim During Landfall

  12. 起伏地形下重庆降水精细的空间分布

    Fine Spatial Distribution of Precipitation on Chongqing Rugged Terrain

  13. 乌鲁木齐市地理地形因素对降水空间分布的影响

    Influences of Geographic and Topographic Factors on Spatial Distribution of Precipitation in Urumchi

  14. 地形因素对降水分布影响的研究

    Research on the Relationship Between Terrain Factors and Precipitation

  15. 数值模式不同分辨率和地形对东亚降水模拟影响的试验

    Impacts of Horizontal Resolution and Topography on the Numerical Simulation of East Asian Precipitation

  16. 其形成原因中自然因素是:地形破碎,降水分布不均匀,地表物质疏松;

    In its formation causes , tattered landform , uneven precipitation and loose land surface matter are the natural factors ;

  17. 特殊的地理位置,复杂的地质构造,丰富的松散固体物质,陡峭的地形加上降水集中的气候,为泥石流的发生创造了客观条件。

    Special geography setting , complex geology structure , abundant loose materials , steep landform and frequent precipitation are the necessary conditions for debris flow occurring .

  18. 受季风和地形影响,降水量年际变化大,各种气象灾害频繁,对工程建设和运行管理影响重大。

    With the monsoon and the topography , there is a great change in the yearly precipitation and climatic disasters occur frequently , which have a major impact on the construction and operation of the Three Gorges project .

  19. 结果表明,中尺度地形对强降水区域的分布和强度有很大的影响,强降水中心位于地形附近,地形引起的12小时降水增幅高达总降水的90%以上;

    It is found that the meso-scale mountain has significant influence on the location and intensity of heavy rain area , the center of heavy rain is located over the moutain area , the orographic increment of 12 hour accumulated rainfall accounts for about 90 per cent of the totals .

  20. 通过地形解析推定年降水量的分布

    Estimation of the Distribution of the Annual Precipitation Using Topographical Operation

  21. 强降水常出现在台风前进方向的右前侧,相同的垂直累积液态水含量受地形等因素影响降水效率差异极大。

    Because of the impacts of topography , there is very different precipitation even though the vertically integrated liquid water in the same .

  22. 湖北省地形地貌复杂、降水集中、加之人口密度较大和土壤人为扰动强烈,导致水土流失严重。

    The soil erosion is serious in Hubei province with complex topography , concentrated rainfall , large population density and strong artificial disturbance on soil .

  23. 学生:我想我感到困惑的是地形是如何影响降水的,比如说山脉和峡谷或者是其他的地形。

    Student : OK . I guess what I am really confused about is how the topography of the land , the mountains and valleys and stuff , affects precipitation .

  24. 通过分析祁连山地区的地形、地貌、降水、冰川、径流、洪水成因等水文现象以及河川径流估算,初步了解了祁连山地区的水资源情况。

    The rules of the hydrologic distribution among Qilian mountains is studied initially through the estimated rivers runoff and the analysis of hydrologic phenomena among Qilian mountains , such as terrain 、 geomorphy 、 rainfall 、 iceberg 、 runoff and causes of flood , etc.

  25. 本文是通过2008年10月28日至11月08日在南方发生的一次大范围降雨过程和2006年07月登陆的0604号碧利斯台风来分析地形因素对湖南降水分布的影响。

    In the thesis , the topography influence on the precipitation distribution of Hunan province is studied by analyzing a heavy precipitation happened during of 10 / 28 / 2008 to 11 / 07 / 2008 and the No.0604 " Bilis " typhoon landed in July of 2006 .

  26. 在浙江地形减半实验中,降水保留了部分地形特征,但降水强度与控制实验相比仍然偏小很多。

    When the orography over Zhejiang was reduced half , the orographic precipitation still occurred , but with less magnitude compared with the control experiment .

  27. 分析研究表明:地形的作用对中天山北坡的云和降水分布有重要影响,在暖季地形对降水的影响是非常突出的,而在冷季地形影响并不甚明显;

    The results are shown that topography action have important infection for cloud and precipitation in northern slope of middle Tianshan Mountains ;

  28. 地形敏感性试验和诊断分析表明:中尺度地形对降水的落区和强度有重要影响,川西地形的屏障作用十分显著。

    Terrain sensitivity tests and diagnostic analysis manifest that mesoscale terrain has important impact on rain fall section and intensity , and terrain in west of Sichuan has evident barrier function .

  29. 于是在降水、潜热释放与地形垂直环流之间出现一种正反馈机制,导致地形对降水的强烈增幅;

    It is the positive feed-back mechanism among precipitation , latent heating and orographic vertical circulation that leads to the intense orographic increment of precipitation .

  30. 对不同垂直坐标选择对地形降雨的影响的简要讨论表明,不同坐标系对地形降水预报跟分辨率密切相关。

    The impact study of the different vertical coordinate on terrain precipitation is simply discussed . The simulation results point out that the terrain precipitation in the different vertical coordinate systems is closely related with the model resolution .