
  • 网络coastal vegetation;coast vegetation;maritime vegetation
  1. 分布在大西洋沿岸的海岸沙丘植被具完整的沙丘演替系列和重要的固沙防海潮作用。

    The sea - coast dune vegetation along the Atlantic coast .

  2. 海南岛东南海岸带植被景观动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Vegetation Landscape of South-east Coastal Zone in Hainan Island

  3. 广西海岸沙生植被的类型及其分布和演潜

    Types , Distribution and Evolution of Sandy Vegetations along Coasts in Guangxi

  4. 江苏海岸沙生植被的研究

    A study of the psammophilous vegetation along the coast of Jiangsu Province

  5. 江苏海岸带植被的特征、分布及利用

    The features and distributions of coastal vegetation in Jiangsu Province and its utilization

  6. 沙质海岸不同植被类型土壤水源涵养功能的研究

    Study on Water Conservation Capacity of Different Vegetation Types in Sandy Sea Coastal Area

  7. 海岸带植被是我国沿海地区重要的生态屏障,也是城市绿地系统的重要组成部分,形象地被称为城市的生态绿廊。

    The vegetation on coastal zone is not only the most of important ecological barrier coastal areas of China , but also is the most of important part of urban green space system , called " Greenways " visually .

  8. 简述浙江省海岸带主要植被分段

    A Brief Introduction of Coastal Vegetation Division of Zhejiang Province

  9. 不同防沙工程措施对海岸带沙地植被恢复和土壤养分的影响

    The Effect of the Different Sand Control Engineering Measures on Vegetation Restoration in Coastal of Sandy Area and Soil Nutrient

  10. 结果表明,在海岸湿地进行植被恢复和造林地规划时,应重视滩涂潮汐浸淹深度的影响,尽量选择浅滩地、中滩地营造红树林。

    The result showed that shallow or medium beach must be elected when we carry out vegetation renewal and cultural planning , with the effect of tide on beach .

  11. 江苏海岸带滨海盐土植被和沙生植被生物量和能量研究

    A study of the biomass and energy of salt vegetation and sand vegetation alone the coast of Jiangsu Province

  12. 山东海岸沙滩滨海沙生植被由沙生植物及部分耐沙植物组成,其特点是:(1)组成植物种类简单,有种子植物68种,隶属于22科55属;

    On the coast of Shandong Province there are some coastal psammophilous vegetations which consist of psammophytes and some sandy tolerant plants . They are characterized by : 1 . Simple floristic : There are 68 species of spermatophyte Which are subordinate to 55 gen - eras in 22 families .