
  • 网络Annual average rainfall;Precipitation averages;AAR
  1. 延安地区属干旱、半干旱性气候,年平均降雨量500mm左右。

    Yanan Prefecture falls into an arid and semiarid climatic zone with an annual average rainfall of 500 mm or so .

  2. 这个地区的年平均降雨量是多少?

    What is the average annual rainfall in this region ?

  3. 山区的年平均降雨量为30英寸。

    The mountains rejoice in an average annual rainfall of thirty inches .

  4. 新加坡年平均降雨量是多少?

    What is the average annual rainfall of singapore ?

  5. 年平均降雨量正在减少。

    The average rainfall each year is declining .

  6. 今年的雨量超过了年平均降雨量。

    Rainfall this year exceeded the yearly average .

  7. 事实上,西雅图的年平均降雨量在美国主要城市中排名第44位。

    In fact , Seattle ranks 44th among major US cities in average annual rainfall .

  8. 年平均降雨量为1000毫米。

    The rainfall averages 1000mm a year .

  9. 若羌地区的年平均降雨量为23.8毫米。

    Regional architecture 3 . The annual average precipitation in Ruoqiang is 23 . 8 mm .

  10. 感染率分布与年平均降雨量和温度高度相关。

    The prevalence rates were all highly correlated with the annual average precipitation and temperature respectively .

  11. 三个州的年平均降雨量超过40英寸(一米多点)。

    Average yearly rainfall in all three states exceeds 40 inches ( just over a metre ) .

  12. 集水区年平均降雨量1005.6mm,在林冠作用面降雨量的分配中,林冠截留雨量210.6mm,截留率20.9%;

    Regarding to the precipitation distribution of crown acting surface , crown interception is 210.6 mm , and the ratio is 20.9 % ;

  13. 多重线性回归分析结果显示稻田种植面积、年平均降雨量与乙脑发病率存在统计学关联。

    As analyzed by linear regression , the incidence of Japanese B encephalitis infection statistically correlated with the paddy acreage and average annual rainfall .

  14. 文中以岩性、斜坡坡度、斜坡高度、年平均降雨量、地震动参数及斜坡结构类型等数种参数作为评价指标。

    The evaluation elements are the nature of loess , the inclination of slope , the height of slope , the mean value of annual rainfall , the parameter of ground motion , the type of the structure of slope .

  15. 与现代山旺地区气候上的区别主要在于年平均降雨量、降雨量的分配,以及最冷月份的平均温度。

    The climate difference between the early middle Miocene Shanwang palaeoclimate and the present day climate of the Shanwang region are mainly associated with significantly reduced levels of precipitation ( mean annual precipitation and rainfall distribution ) and much colder mean temperatures in the coldest month .

  16. 我们的记者报道,在迦纳和布基纳法索,暴雨以导致至少32人死亡。布基纳法索150000多人因暴雨而离家避难,其中许多人是在首都瓦加杜古。联合国称,当地上周一天的降雨量相当于该国年平均降雨量的四分之一。

    Our correspondent reports , flooding has killed More than 150000 people have left their homes in Burkina Faso , many in the capital Ouagadougou , where the United Nations says the amount of rain that fell in one day last week s one-quarter of the nation 's average annual rainfall .

  17. 甘肃雨养农业区年平均有效降雨量理论上可以满足小麦生育期的作物需水量。

    Wheat crop water requirement was contented with the annual average available rainfall in rainfed agricultural region of Gansu Province .

  18. 而知道,1984年曼谷的平均降雨量是另一回事。

    It 's another thing to know what was the average rainfall in Bangkok in1984 .

  19. 影响洞内滴水的稳定同位素组成的因素主要是年平均气温、年降雨量以及降水气团的来源的变化。

    The major factors that influence isotopic composition of cave drip water are mean annual air temperature , mean annual rainfall and change in moisture source .

  20. 21年平均降水量波动较大,并存在总体下降的趋势,可能与1999-2002年的年降雨量低于多年平均降雨量有关。

    In the period 1981-2002 , the annual rainfall showed a fluctuating and decreasing trend , but the annual rainfall of 1999-2002 lower than the mean annual rainfall of 21 years .

  21. 文章在收集巴东县1993年至2003年降雨资料的基础上,对巴东县的降雨特征进行了分析,认为巴东县年降雨量变化较大,年平均降雨量达978.6mm,属雨水丰富区域;

    Based on rainfall data of Badong from 1993 to 2003 , the characters of rainfall were analysed . It showed that the annual rainfall is abundant ( the annual average rainfall is 978.58mm ) and various .