
nián kān
  • annual;yearbook;year book
年刊 [nián kān]
  • (1) [annual]∶为了满足一年一度季节性的市场所需的一套印刷品

  • (2) [yearbook]∶学校或学院每年的纪念性刊物

  • 中学里最普通的出版物是报纸、杂志和年刊

年刊[nián kān]
  1. 我使它变成海报和它已经在一些国际的设计年刊中表示。

    I made it become a poster and it already showed in some international design annuals .

  2. 我在中学年刊中寻找怀曼的照片。

    I looked for Wyman 's picture in my high-school annual

  3. 2001年的《足球年刊》把他的相片登在上面。

    The football annual for2001 kept his picture in it .

  4. 《数学年刊》A、B辑是综合性的数学期刊,主要刊登纯粹数学和应用数学两方面具有创造性的学术论文。

    Chinese Annals of Mathematics ( CAM ), Series A and Series B , are comprehensive mathematical journals carrying original papers on pure and applied mathematics .

  5. 《ManAboutTown》杂志是一本半年刊,杂志负责人说该杂志“目标受众是高端的商务精英和有着深厚文化底蕴的都市男性。这是一本时尚男士的必备指南。”

    Man About Town magazine , a biannual publication , says it is ' targeted at high-end business-engaged and culturally-orientated male urbanities ... giving a guide to the seasonal men must haves . '

  6. 在每篇Ei摘要的开头,是工程索引年刊的文摘号。

    The Engineering Index Annual abstract number is found at the beginning of each abstract .

  7. 卡丽·克劳斯只是在社交媒体上自我炒作了一下,没伤害别人,就是为了增加她在杂志《Love》年刊中的曝光度,但是霉霉粉却认为事情没这么简单。

    Karlie Kloss was just doing some harmless self-promotion on social media by promoting her spot on Love Magazine 's annual advent calendar - but Tay Tay 's fans think it wasn 't all so innocent .

  8. 2007年刊发于《发展心理学》(DevelopmentalPsychology)期刊的一篇研究论文指出,学生在幼儿园时表现出来的数学能力是他们在日后学习中能否取得好成绩的一个预报器,其预示作用甚至超过了集中注意力的能力和阅读能力。

    Math skill at kindergarten entry is an even stronger predictor of later school achievement than reading skills or the ability to pay attention , according to a 2007 study in the journal Developmental Psychology .

  9. 2012年刊登于《经济学快报》杂志(EconomicsLetters)的一项研究也显示,出生在6月和7月的美国企业首席执行官比单就概率计算应该出现的人数少了将近三分之一。

    Similarly , according to research published in the journal Economics Letters in 2012 , the number of American chief executives who were born in June and July is almost one-third lower than would be expected on the basis of chance alone .

  10. 南京大学学报数学半年刊第23卷2006年总目次

    Journal of Nanjing University Mathematical Biquarterly Vol. 23 2006 the total contents

  11. 少儿报刊广告的运作原则与策略选择青少年导刊(年刊)

    The Operating Principles and Strategic Choices of Advertisements of Teenagers Periodicals ;

  12. 工业趋势和结构评论和评价年刊

    Annual Review and Appraisal of Industrial Trends and Structures

  13. 是一部全面反映江西省经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊。

    Therefore , reflects various aspects of Jiangxi 's social and economic development .

  14. 今年我们的年刊改版成双月刊了。

    Our annual has changed into a bimonthly publication .

  15. 我想问清楚它们是()刊还是年刊。

    I 'd like to find out if they 're termly or yearly .

  16. 应用微生物学杂志》附《应用微生物学快报与年刊》。

    Journal of Applied Microbiology , with Letters in Applied Microbiology & Annual Symposium .

  17. 年刊能为你提供天文学文献的一个全貌。

    A broad survey of the astronomical literature is provided by annual review journals .

  18. 香港模具协会年刊2007经已出版。

    The HKMDC annual publication2007is now available .

  19. 世界贸易年刊补编;

    Supplement to the world trade annual ;

  20. 多数中学出版年刊,其中刊登当年全体毕业生的照片。

    Most high schools publish an annual , with pictures of all the graduates of the year .

  21. 上周五大小报亭的《人物》的年刊封面上都赫然印着这位宝刀未老的男星照片。

    The45-year-old actor is pictured on the cover of People 's annual issue , on newsstands Friday .

  22. 别忘记找他们要年刊,也别提电视节目,好吗?

    Don 't forget to plug the annual , and don 't mention the TV show , okay ?

  23. 瞧,我们从年刊上剪下靓女图案,然后我们加以评述

    See , we cut out girls ' pictures from the yearbook , and then we wrote comments .

  24. 该研究发表于《行为医学年刊》上,阐述了血压和婚姻之间的复杂联系。

    The study , published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine , paints the big picture about blood pressure and marriage .

  25. 泰薇打算办一本半年刊,用来展示网站的文章、照片和插画。

    Gevinson has her sights on showcasing the site 's writing , photography , and illustrations in a semi-annual print issue .

  26. 《工程索引》年刊是以条目摘要形式编辑而成的技术文献检索工具。其内容覆盖世界范围内所有工程领域。

    The Engineering Index Annual is an organized compilation of bibliographic citations and abstracts covering the world 's technological literature in all engineering disciplines .

  27. 教育的学术与审视&基于《北京大学教育评论》2003~2008年刊文的统计分析

    The Academic and Examination of Education & Statistical Analysis of Based on the Articles of " Peking University Education Review " Published in 2003-2008

  28. 一篇发表于全国宗教职业会年刊的文章甚至说无性恋者根本就“不是人”。

    The remarks came in the annual magazine of the National Religious Vocation Conference and even suggested that an asexual was simply'not a person ' .

  29. 当一些最常见的药物的一般性版本最近已经在市场上来的时候,在药物费用的年刊通货膨胀三十年中在最低的比率。

    Annual inflation in drug costs is at the lowest rate in three decades as generic versions of some of the most common drugs have recently come on the market .

  30. 刊文质量:学报质量控制的重要环节&《贵州财经学院学报》1993~2002年刊文情况统计分析

    Publication Quality : An Important Chain in Journal Quality Control & The Statistical Analysis of the Publication Patterns in Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics from 1993 to 2002