
nián jiān
  • Year;time;during a certain era or age
年间 [nián jiān]
  • [time] 指某个时期或年代里

  • 老年间

  • 清朝康熙年间

年间[nián jiān]
  1. 在过去十年间,他们抚育了60多个儿童。

    They have fostered over 60 children during the past ten years .

  2. 四十年间,她树立了一个忠诚服务的光辉榜样。

    She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades .

  3. 这些年间没有发生什么变化。

    Little had changed in the intervening years .

  4. 短短几年间,他们接连生了三个孩子。

    They had three children in quick succession .

  5. 拥有住房的人数在过去30年间急剧攀升。

    The level of owner occupation has increased rapidly in the last 30 years .

  6. 1325年到1864年间,这座城市曾铸造过自己的硬币。

    The city produced its own coinage from 1325 to 1864 .

  7. 1933年间,大量的投诉信涌进了巴本的办公室。

    During 1933 , Papen 's office was deluged with complaints .

  8. 表1.15显示出哪些省份在1910至1920年间人口减少了。

    Figure 1.15 shows which provinces lost populations between 1910 and 1920 .

  9. 1939至1945年间的世界大战使大多数民众卷入其中。

    The 1939-45 world war involved the mass of the population

  10. 他在1966年到1973年间被作为战俘关押在越南。

    He was held prisoner in Vietnam from 1966 to 1973

  11. 这家俱乐部在过去20年间知名度大增。

    This club has grown in stature over the last 20 years .

  12. 过去几年间博客世界发生了很大变化。

    The blogsphere has changed a lot in the past few years .

  13. 1988至1991年间,该委员会举行了14次会议。

    The commission met 14 times between 1988 and 1991 .

  14. 时装设计师在过去的几年间表现得更出色了。

    The fashion designers have sharpened up their act in the last few years

  15. 过去10年间,情况已发生了变化。

    Over the past ten years things have changed .

  16. 这份合同在1992年至2020年间有效。

    The contract was to run from 1992 to 2020

  17. 他于1970年到1974年间出任大法官。

    He was Lord Chancellor from 1970 until 1974 .

  18. 他在1940年至1943年间连续62次获胜。

    Between 1940 and 1943 he had a string of 62 consecutive victories .

  19. 在1914年至1920年间阿尔巴尼亚的大部分地区被意大利人占据。

    Between 1914 and 1920 large parts of Albania were occupied by the Italians

  20. 他是怎样在成为外交大臣以后的17年间保住最高职位的?

    How does he stay on top , 17 years after becoming foreign minister ?

  21. 运河开凿于1793到1797年间。

    The canal was built between 1793 and 1797

  22. 毫无疑问,他们在这两个时期相隔的6年间取得了进展。

    They had undoubtedly made progress in the six years that separated the two periods

  23. 在过去的两年间,艺术品市场遭受了严重的打击。

    The art market has suffered some severe knocks during the past two years .

  24. 这些数字是根据1991至1992年间的牙医收据统计得出的。

    These figures are arrived at on the basis of dentists ' receipts for 1991-1992 .

  25. 英国各种旅游项目在1977至1987年间增多了10.5%。

    Tourist trips of all kinds in Britain rose by 10.5 % between 1977 and 1987

  26. 在44年间仅有一名女性作过讲座,这真令人震惊。

    It is shocking that only one woman has delivered the lecture in 44 years .

  27. 这座建筑建于1900到1901年间。

    The building was erected in 1900-1901

  28. 该建筑建于1798至1802年间,属于当时的新古典主义建筑风格。

    The building was erected between 1798 and 1802 in the neoclassical style of the time .

  29. 当代艺术在过去五六年间突飞猛进。

    Contemporary art has taken a huge leap forward in the last five or six years .

  30. 变化是悄然发生的,15到20年间不会产生明显影响。

    The changes are insidious , and will not produce a noticeable effect for 15 to 20 years