
nián suì
  • years;age;time;yr
年岁 [nián suì]
  • (1) [age]∶年纪

  • 卿年事已多,气力稍减。--《南史.虞荔传》

  • (2) [age;time]∶年代

  • 年岁之中。--[英]赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

年岁[nián suì]
  1. 我发誓,你年岁越大越棒了。

    Crewmah : I swear , you get better with age .

  2. 对不起,你的年岁可露馅了!

    Pardon me , but your age is showing !

  3. 因为年岁久远,当时的具体情况已记不清了。

    As it happened so many years ago , I don 't remember the details .

  4. 年岁使他衰颓。

    His years weigh him down .

  5. 年岁增智慧。

    Years bring wisdom .

  6. 他虽然年岁已大,但还是身强力壮。

    Although he is getting on in years , he is strong .

  7. 虽然他年岁已大,但他还能像往常一样努力工作。

    Although he is getting along in years , he can work hard as usual .

  8. 今年年岁如何?

    How is the harvest this year ?

  9. 随着年岁的增长,他的思想僵化了,他不接受新观点

    His thinking has ossified as he 's grown older ; he won 't accept new ideas .

  10. 英国首相戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)保证不会出现下述情形:年岁过大无法照顾自己的老人在某天早晨被破产执行人吵醒并勒令离开养老院。

    David Cameron , prime minister , has given assurances that people too old to look after themselves will not be woken one morning by an insolvency practitioner asking them to leave .

  11. CNN主播:我们都以为自己没有变老,可是每隔不久总是不免注意到别人又增添了年岁。

    CNNANCHOR : Now , all of us know that we don 't get older , but every so often we can 't help noticing that other people are getting on a little bit .

  12. 你的祖母年岁越大长得就越像你的祖父,杰弗瑞·史比格尔(JeffreySpiegel)&一位波士顿的整容医师说。史比格尔医生的客户大多是跨性女性。他也是帕吉特女士的医生。

    Your grandmother looks more like your grandfather than she did while they were younger , said Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel , a plastic surgeon in Boston who works largely on trans women and who treated Ms. Padgett .

  13. 今年81岁的史密斯凭借在片中饰演的伯爵遗孀Violet一角获得艾美奖,她此前一直对拍电影这个想法持怀疑态度,一年前她曾经表示,她饰演的角色年岁已高,她参演电影的可能性不大。

    Smith , 81 , who won an Emmy for her performance as Violet , Dowager Countess of Grantham in the show , had previously been skeptical about the endeavor , saying a year ago she feared her character 's advancing years ruled her out of such an appearance .

  14. 如今感觉男装终于“回归正道”,服务自己的正常群体(米兰时装周上杰尼亚(Zegna)的效果超赞,一目了然),让上了年岁者也有了自己心仪的潮装,而不是那些让他们自感是失败者的行头。

    Now it feels like menswear is finally comfortable talking to its natural audience ( as seen so excellently at Zegna in Milan ) , giving their older customers relevant clothes , rather than looks that make them feel like also-rans .

  15. 尽管他年岁已大,但他对什么都敢作敢为。

    Even though he 's old he 's game for anything .

  16. 他是个上了年岁的人。

    He 's a person who is getting on in years .

  17. 同时,许多年岁较大的居民开始变得体弱而孤独。

    Meanwhile , many older inhabitants are getting infirm and lonely .

  18. 我害怕年岁逐增,生命渐短。

    I fear the shrinking of life that goes with aging .

  19. 也许等我再长些年岁就能视如平常

    Maybe when I 'm older , it 'll all calm down

  20. 在中国,很多人都需要照顾上了年岁的长辈亲戚,

    In China , many people care for their elderly relatives ,

  21. 年岁在他的额上打下了印记。

    The years have set their mark on his brow .

  22. 许多年岁大一点的人仍然认为妇女的职业生涯并不那么重要。

    Many older people still believe that women 's careers are secondary .

  23. 代表年岁。年岁年岁,增长智慧。

    Y is for year ; years bring wisdom . Y.

  24. 人们会知道你上了年岁以及你在做的。

    People would know you are old , what you are doing .

  25. 哦,他一定年岁不小了。

    Oh . well , he was probably pretty old .

  26. 但恶人的年岁必被减少。

    But the years of the wicked will be short .

  27. 随着他年岁的增大,他常爱讲讲他的过去。

    As he grew older , he would often talk about his past .

  28. 他年岁很大,身体很快衰弱下来。

    He was very old and was failing rapidly .

  29. 等你年岁渐长,你自己有了套看法。

    Until you get older , and you get some therapy in you .

  30. 年岁的循环与星辰的位置。

    The revolutions of the year , and the dispositions of the stars .