
  • 网络Youthful Times;rejuvenated
  1. 我自豪地说:他是我年轻时代的好友。

    Proudly I say he is the friend of my springtime .

  2. 他回忆起自己放荡的年轻时代,那是在夜总会和酒吧度过的。

    He recalled his dissipated youth spent in nightclubs and bars .

  3. 仅仅是松树的气息,就让我瞬间回到年轻时代。

    The smell of the pines alone brings back my youth .

  4. 我们自年轻时代起就建立了亲密的友谊。

    We have had an intimate friendship since we were young .

  5. 年轻时代的所有梦想都如潮水般涌入脑海。

    All those dreams of youth had come flooding back .

  6. 他们重新回忆起年轻时代时谈兴很浓。

    They enjoyed their chats as they revived memories of their youth .

  7. 年轻时代很令人怀念。

    The good old times were when we were young .

  8. 年轻时代我曾喜欢钓鱼。

    In my early days I used to like to go fishing .

  9. 【典型范例2】在精力充沛的年轻时代,她从未停止过追求自己的梦想!

    She never ceased to chase after her vigorous youth !

  10. 有些事情在你年轻时代就变了。

    Some things have changed since you were young .

  11. 在精力充沛的年轻时代他从未停止过追求自己的梦想。

    He never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth .

  12. 在他们鲁莽的年轻时代,他们认为一切都是可能的。

    In the heady days of their youth , they thought anything was possible .

  13. 叶问的弟子之一就是年轻时代的李小龙。

    His students included a young Bruce Lee .

  14. 他记得,他在年轻时代也曾夸夸其谈。

    He remembered having rattled in earlier days .

  15. 他说话的声音不知为什么可在瞬间把她带回到那浪漫的年轻时代。

    His voice somehow took her swiftly back to the days of her youth 's romance .

  16. 这位老船长一谈起话来,总喜欢回顾他的年轻时代。

    Whenever the old captain talks , he always likes to go back to his younger days .

  17. 我曾经可以去追寻自己的爱,但是我的年轻时代却被我曾经惧怕的那些人荒废掉了。

    I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone .

  18. 在年轻时代,詹姆斯·蒂龙被视为演艺界最有希望的莎士比亚戏剧演员。

    In his youth , James Tyrone was hailed as the most promising Shakespearean actor in the theatrical circle .

  19. 这是我年轻时代最具戏剧化的一幕。我突然明白生与死亲如手足,无法分开。

    It was the most dramatic sight of my young life , and I understood suddenly that life and death are co-workers .

  20. 让这些老兵带我们回到他们的年轻时代,让我们怀着敬意感受他们的光辉事迹。

    Let these veterans carry us back to the days of their youth , and let us be awed by their shining deeds .

  21. 他们不是放弃年轻时代的心灵教导,就是从一开始就未与神一同成长。

    Either they fell away from the spiritual teachings of their youth or they never grew up with any God to begin with .

  22. 我想回到我的年轻时代,狠狠的敲敲那个小李欧的头,并且跟她书哟不要这么卖命的工作了!

    I want to go back to my younger self and whack that younger Leo on the head and say Stop working so hard !

  23. 与萨瑟兰共事过的人都说,他的作风可以追溯到年轻时代在都柏林当律师的那些日子。

    People who have worked with Mr Sutherland say his style can be traced back to his days as a young barrister in Dublin .

  24. 直至晚年,毛小姐仍旧铭记着她年轻时代的梦想,钟爱着她的钢琴。

    Until his later years , Miss Mao is still bearing in mind that the dream of her young age , loved her piano .

  25. 其实,我对他和他的理念,他的过去他的年轻时代都多有质疑

    The truth is , I 've had a lot of doubts about him and his ideas , about his past , about his youth .

  26. 他告诉我年轻时代的他是舞者,在庙会上跳舞,当时的他俊俏得很。

    He told me that he was a dancer in his youth , for the temple ceremonies , and that he was beautiful back then .

  27. 我无法猜测年轻时代的你,无法猜测那时你究竟有多强悍。

    I have no way of guessing what you were like in your younger years , no way of knowing just how strong you were then .

  28. 兰格告诉我,实验组受试者让自己的心境回到了年轻时代,他们的身体也随之调整。

    The experimental subjects , Langer told me , had put their mind in an earlier time , and their bodies went along for the ride .

  29. 亲欧盟派中的大多数人,其年轻时代都享受到战后欧洲计划所带来的种种优惠,现今已从一线政治舞台上退了下来。

    Most of the former , who were moved in their youth by the post-war idealism of the European project , have retired from front-line politics .

  30. 自由主义者本来也可能厌恶芝加哥学派的,但哈耶克觉得这种学术氛围非常象他年轻时代的维也纳。

    Liberals may have loathed the Chicago school , but Hayek felt on home ground in an intellectual atmosphere so like the Vienna of his youth .