
  • 网络Young and ignorant;Young and Innocent;Bonus Single;Guitar Cover By Wing;BLAME IT ON MY YOUTH
  1. 我却年少无知,不认同她的见解。

    But I , being young and foolish , with her did not agree .

  2. 十年里的风风雨雨,让曾经年少无知的我现在逐渐成熟圆臻。

    Ten years of wind and storms has rendered an innocent boy walk towards maturity and roundness .

  3. 安的父亲非常后悔,但是一个亲戚安慰他说年少无知的爱情是不会长久的。

    Ann 's father lamented , but a family member consoled him by saying young love wouldn 't last .

  4. 他心里一直内疚于那一刻自己指甲的力度,年少无知也好,一时冲动也好,可乐一直觉得很遗憾。

    Too simple , too young , or just a moment impulse , Cola felt pity always towards Red Bottle .

  5. 为爱犬佩戴苹果手表的图片在网上疯传之后,王健林将儿子的行为归咎于年少无知和西式的教育。

    After images of the Apple Watch-wearing dog went viral , Wang promptly blamed youth and a Western education for his son 's behavior .

  6. 我是某某学校毕业的,那个时候我年少无知,舅舅告诉我妈妈那个学校多好多好,结果我进去以后才发现,学校根本就臭名昭著。

    I was from yyy school . I was young and ignorant then and my uncle was telling my mum what a good school yyy was .

  7. 当年我年少无知,曾经赌气地跟他说:'我以后不会再想你',造成了一辈子的遗憾。

    That year my juniority is stupid , ever and in anger saying with him : 'I can 't miss again you hereafter ' , resulting in the regret of the lifetime .

  8. 拿我来说吧,当我还年少无知时,我常常听说“收费站前设有减速带是为了让那些眼神不好的司机有多点时间找零钱”。

    For example , " Those speed bumps are put in front of tollbooth plazas so that hard-of-seeing drivers will have more time to find exact change , " is one I was exposed to at a tender time of life .

  9. 到了50岁,我们会后知后觉的意识到,过往的决定哪些是正确的,而哪些又不是。这可以称作人生经验或者生活磨练,又或许这就是年少无知的结果。

    Call it life experience or the school of hard knocks , by 50 we all have the hindsight to know which decisions were good ones and which decisions were , well , a result of youthful na ï vet é .