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  1. 曾任登封县知县。崇祯中历台州知府,解职归。

    He had been the magistrate of Dengfeng County in Henan Province .

  2. 中历及二十四节气时刻计算

    The Twenty - four Solar Terms of the Chinese Calendar and the Calculation for Them

  3. 实验中采集了历份急性淋病患者的临床分离标本,制成悬液后对其上清进行检测,结果有14份标本IgA蛋白酶阳性,其它对照菌皆为阴性。

    The results showed that IgA protease from 14 specimens were Positive , while all of the control specimens were negative .

  4. 可供实用的舰船风浪中摇荡时历预报的模式

    A practical prediction mode of time ergodicity for ships ′ swaying in waves

  5. 这听起来,令人觉得关系只是生活中诸多行事历的一部分。

    That gives the impression that relationships are just a part of our lives along with many other tasks .

  6. 北京从金代海陵王营建中都,历金、元、明、清、民国,至今已建都近千年。

    Beijing has been the capital of China for about one thousand years , going through Jin , Yuan , Ming , Qing dynasties and RC after that Hailing King had built Zhongdu in Jin Dynasty .

  7. 根据这种对应关系,卢卡奇进一步在现代小说中划分了历时态的小说形态范畴,将小说视为资本主义世界异化了的主体性的文学表现。

    According to this correspondence , young Luc á cs classified in modern novels the different morphologic categories forming a diachronic morphology , in which Luc á cs viewed the novel as the literary form of aliened subjectivity in capitalism .

  8. 干部人事档案中三龄一历的认定

    Verification of Three Dates and One Certificate in Personnel Files

  9. 然后在封建社会中进一步发展,历汉至唐,在唐代达到了鼎盛期。

    Through further development in the feudal society , especially after the Han dynasty , the dance culture reached its peak in the Tang dynasty .

  10. 由此频率响应矩阵求得各运动间的互谱密度矩阵并模拟驳船在随机海浪中的运动时历变化。

    Then the cross-spectrum density matrix between the motions and waves is obtained and the time history of motions of barge in random seas is simulated .

  11. 本文以同构原理和互渗律的角度,首先宏观梳理了中国古代文献中记载的律历关系,并从中分析出其发展脉络。

    This paper arranged the relationship between temperament and calendar which recorded in Chinese ancient literatures from a macro vision of the isomorphism principle and the law of mutual infiltration , and analyzed its development skeleton .

  12. 为剖析滞洪设施中受制入流历线作用下其滞洪容积变化,以无因次滞洪理论为基础,讨论滞洪池内其滞洪容积对应时间变化情形,进而推求该滞洪池之最小滞洪容积;

    The volume change of retarding basins were obtained by using the non - dimensional detention theory , with the known flow hydrograph in the detention facility . The minimum detention volume of retarding basin can be calculated based on the results of change of detention volume .

  13. 在女子单打半决赛中,辛德胡历时51分钟,以21比19和21比10的比分,直落两局打败日本的奥原希望。

    At 21:21 IST at the Riocentro , PV Sindhu guaranteed that she would become the fifth , having beaten Japan 's Nozomi Okuhara - ranked sixth in the world - in straight sets 21-19 , 21-10 spanning 51 minutes in the semi-finals of the women 's badminton singles at the 2016 Rio Olympics .

  14. 卡蒂亚于2008年被停职,原因是未经允许到海外探访了他信。他曾是泰国武装力量中的一个新星,在打击反政府武装的过程中得到历炼。

    The major general , suspended from duty in 2008 for visiting Mr. Thaksin overseas without permission , was once a rising star in Thailand 's armed forces , trained in fighting antigovernment forces .