
  1. 论中国古史传说时代与伏羲文化研究&兼论天水市弘扬伏羲文化的成就

    Research into the Legendary Times of Ancient Chinese History and Fuxi Culture

  2. 到20世纪40年代初,史学家又提出中国古史的传说时代。

    At the early 40 's of 20th century , historians put forward a notion of " the legend era of the ancient history of China " .

  3. 中国上古或“传说时代”可以文化划分为四大“板块”,这四大板块完全能够涵盖东西南北“四方”的主要原居民以及他们的文化内涵与特质。

    Our culture has been divided into four parts since the legendary times , which can cover the inhabitants in all directions and their cultural implication and characteristics .