
  • 网络A Survey of Ancient Chinese Science
  1. 论中国古代科学发展的抑制与反抑制

    On Restraint and Anti Restraint of Science development in Ancient China

  2. 论中国古代科学技术的终结之宗教根源

    The Religionary Rootstock about Windup of the Chinese Ancient Science and Technology

  3. 思维、文化基因与中国古代科学

    Thinking , Cultural Gene and The Ancient Science of China

  4. 阴阳思维模式与中国古代科学

    Yin and Yang Mode of Thinking and Ancient Chinese Science and Technology

  5. 中国古代科学的产业基础:工商业的特殊垄断性

    Industrial Basis of Ancient Chinese Science : Specially Monopolized Industry and Commerce

  6. 中国古代科学思想对地学未来发展的影响

    On the significance of ancient Chinese Science in the development of geo Science

  7. 中国古代科学文化的特质及其意义

    On the Characteristics and Meaning of Ancient Chinese Culture of Science and Technology

  8. 论中国古代科学技术体系的结构

    On the structure of the system of science and technology in ancient China

  9. 也论中国古代科学的终结

    On the End of Ancient Science in China

  10. 连续统观念下的中国古代科学

    China 's Ancient Science Under the Continuity Notion

  11. 中国古代科学思维方式的特质

    The Characteristics of Scientific Thought of Ancient China

  12. 中国古代科学史研究要突破以西方和近现代科学为标准的框框

    The Western and modern Science Should not be the Only Criterion of Chinese Ancient Science

  13. 论易数与中国古代科学的联系

    On the Contact in " the Yi Number " and some Sciences of Ancient China

  14. 中国古代科学的特点

    The Characteristics of Chinese Ancient Science

  15. 对于研究中国古代科学与哲学、科学与宗教之间的关系,这是一个很好的个案。

    This is a great case for the study of relations between science , philosophy and religion .

  16. 论《史记》反映的中国古代科学思想传统

    On the tradition of ancient Chinese scientific thought reflected in Sima qian 's records of the historian

  17. 明清鼎革与中国古代科学近代化进程的中断

    The Replacement of Ming Dynasty By Qing Dynasty And the Breaking Off of Ancient Chinese Scientific Modernization

  18. 中文摘要:如何进一步发展中国古代科学史的研究?

    Abstract : How can the study of the history of ancient Chinese science be carried on further ?

  19. 《周易》不但使医易相通,而且使《周易淌中国古代科学相通、《周易》与宗教相通,《周易》因此成为中国文化的基石。

    The Zhouyi became the cornerstone of Chinese culture because there are some similarities with ancient Chinese science and religious .

  20. 跨文化比较研究方法在科技史上的应用&从李约瑟《中国古代科学思想史》谈起

    The Application of Cross-cultural Comparison Method in the History of Science and Technology & from The History of Chinese Ancient Science

  21. 对中国古代科学史研究中有关问题的澄清&从逻辑的观点看

    Clear Up Some Problems Concerned with the Study of History of Science in Ancient China & From the Viewpoint of Logic

  22. 从百川归海到河岸风光&试论中国古代科学的社会、文化史研究

    From " River - Sea " Metaphor to " River Scenery " Metaphor Towards Social and Cultural History of Ancient Chinese Science

  23. 从儒家文化的角度分析明清之际“西学中源”说的产生可以看出,这一思潮实际上是儒家文化背景下经学方法对于中国古代科学影响的必然产物。

    The " Theory of Western Learning Being of Chinese Origin " between Ming and Qing period came into being in the background of Confucian culture .

  24. 以现代科学的特点或性质为标准,与中国古代科学进行比较,从而揭示中国古代科学的特点。

    Compared with Chinese Ancient Science basing on the standards of modern science 's features , the Characteristics of Chinese Ancient Science might be found out .

  25. 中国古代科学技术成果显著,但科技传播相对滞后,影响了科技的发展。

    Chinese ancient scientific technological achievement is remarkable , but the lagging behind relatively of the spreading of science and technology has influenced the development of science and technology .

  26. 他留下的《梦溪笔谈》是我国最早的一部科技百科全书,被誉为中国古代科学史上的坐标。

    Dream Brook Sketchbook is which he left the earliest technology encyclopedia , it is regarded as " coordinate that in the history of science " in Ancient China .

  27. 一个叫鲁桂珍,南京人,开始教授他中文,这燃起了李约瑟对中国古代科学技术的兴趣。

    One , Lu Gwei-djen , who came from Nanjing , began teaching him Chinese , which ignited Needham 's interest in the country 's technological and scientific past .

  28. 中医药学凝聚着深邃的哲学智慧和中华民族几千年的健康养生理念及其实践经验,是中国古代科学的瑰宝,也是打开中华文明宝库的钥匙。

    Xi also spoke highly of the Chinese medicine , saying it is the gem of ancient Chinese science , and it is also a key to open the treasure of Chinese civilization .

  29. 在明朝末年,由于国内政治、经济、文化发展的需要和西学东渐的影响,中国古代科学开始了向近代化转变的历程。

    In the late Ming Dynasty , the Chinese ancient science started on the course of turning to modernization due to the need of domestic political , economic and cultural development as well as the influence of western learning to China .

  30. 中国古代科学技术体系自身的缺陷也影响了中国科学技术的发展,本文主要从古代科技的形式、研究方法和内容这三个方面来阐述。

    Ancient Chinese science and technology system has its own flaws affecting the development of China 's science and technology . This paper mainly from the ancient technology of the tape , study methods and content of these three areas to elaborate .