
  • 网络Deno;orz;DONOW;Denault
  1. 将68例胃炎患儿随机分成A、B两组。A组33例,口服雷尼替丁和德诺;

    Children with gastritis were randomly classified into group A and group B.Group A with 33 cases were treated by Ranitidine and De No1 ;

  2. 前不久才离任的百思买亚洲区负责人德诺(DavidDeno)说,我们愚蠢又自大。

    We were stupid and arrogant , ' says David Deno , who was Best Buy 's Asia chief until recently .

  3. 经济学家希瑟贠尔(HeatherBower)、马克施特尔(MarkStehr)和贾斯廷缠德诺(JustinSydnor)最近发表了以某一家《财富》500强公司的1000名员工为对象的长期实验的结果。

    Economists Heather Bower , Mark Stehr and Justin Sydnor recently published the results of a long-term experiment conducted with 1000 employees of a Fortune 500 company .

  4. 作为国际知名的企业,相信INNOVA德诺将在跻身中国壁纸行业第一品牌的道路上走得更踏实长远。

    As an international well-known company , INNOVA believe China will be among the first brands wallpaper industries go more down the road to long-term .

  5. INNOVA德诺拥有着覆盖全国主要市县的销售网络渠道,及统一授权、统一形象的INNOVA德诺产品系列专卖服务体系。

    INNOVA has a nationwide distribution network of major cities and counties channels , and a unified authorization INNOVA unified image of the product line sales service system .

  6. 不久,德诺就住进了医院。

    Soon , Denau lived into the hospital .

  7. 德诺的咳嗽多起来,从家里带的药也快吃完了。

    Denau coughing up , with supplies of medicine is also fast from home .

  8. 德诺的身体越来越弱,艾迪不得不放弃了计划,带着德诺又回到家乡。

    Denau getting weak , Eddie had to give up the plan , with Denau home again .

  9. 然而这回,德诺却没有在医生为他摸脉时忽然睁眼笑起来,他真的死了。

    However this time , Denau without open your eyes the doctor when he felt the pulse suddenly laughed , he really is dead .

  10. 艾迪的妈妈再也不让艾迪去找德诺了,她怕一家人都染上这可怕的病毒。

    Eddie 's mother will not let Eddie go de Connaught a , she is afraid of family are infected with this terrible virus .

  11. 以德诺公司为例,随着公司业务的发展的需要,各部门在不同时期部署了多个相对独立的软件系统来对其业务数据进行信息化管理。

    Take Deno Ltd. as an example , during the growth of company business , each separate department deploys relatively independent software systems based on its own job requirements .

  12. 于是,在一个月明星稀的夜晚,他带着德诺,悄悄地踏上了去新奥尔良的路。

    Thus , in the one with a clear Moon and few stars of the night , he took his Denau , quietly set foot on the way to New Orleans .

  13. 他们躺在小船上,听见流水哗哗的声响,看见满眼闪烁的星星,艾迪告诉德诺,到了新奥尔良,找到费医生,他就可以像别人一样快乐生活了。

    They lie on the boat , heard the sound of flowing water Huahua , see eyes twinkling stars , Eddie tells Denau , to New Orleans , find a doctor , he can live happily like others .

  14. 离德诺家的后院不远,有一条通往大海的小河,河边开满了五颜六色的花朵,艾迪告诉德诺,把这些花草熬成汤,说不定能治他的病。

    Not far from Denau House backyard , there is a path to the river of the sea , rivers full of colourful flowers , Eddie tells Denau , cooked into soup these flowers and plants , maybe can cure his illness .