
  • 网络Ancient Chinese Scientists;Scientists of Ancient China
  1. 中国古代科学家整体状况统计研究

    Statistics of Ancient Chinese Scientists

  2. 中国古代科学家积累的很多经验和知识在今天仍然对农民和园艺工人很有益处。

    Much of the wisdom discovered by early Chinese scientists is still useful for farmers and gardeners today .

  3. 中国古代科学家祖冲之的科学成就背后蕴涵着宝贵的科学精神,主要包括:锲而不舍、钻研继承的求知精神;求真求实、理性批判的怀疑精神;

    There are invaluable scientific spirit behind Zu Chongzhi ' scientific achievement , a famous scientist in ancient China .

  4. 摘要童年时作者在舅父张秀民先生家中读到《中国古代科学家》,从这本科学史启蒙读物中得知李俨、钱宝琮、严敦杰和杜石然等大师。

    From the book " ancient Chinese scientists " in childhood , the author knew about some masters such as Li yan , Qian bao-cong and so on .